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Everything posted by Bleadd

  1. [fr]C'est sa de rester sur Interlude only :P[/fr] I haven't the time this morning to make a SS, so it's a screen from GooGle about Real Target It's the same with surrender to wind but with a little storm above the head.
  2. hello, I didn't a mistake about the section, i want to know where is coded the fact that the textures of surrender to wind is added above the head of the player if the skill success?? I've check the xml, but only about stats infos.. I've check the skillhandlers too, but nothing found.. I use L2Jserver H5. Cordially, Bleadd
  3. I've change the code . But in the for i have 2 booleans. Boolean go true if found id of healers && other boolean go true if found a buffer. And after the for if the 2 booleans are true, i port the team. It works so it's fine :)
  4. Oh, thanks for the code. I'll try now :) Edit : It works. Thanks. :)
  5. Hello, I want to know if it's possible to make a check for quests. For example, if the party is constitued of a healer and a buffer (like BS/SWS/PP), the party can port to a location? Cordially, Bleadd
  6. Hmm Okay, i'll let the default values. Thanks for answers :)
  7. Ok ok but they can improve the 'engine' if they are configured well?
  8. Hello, I'm using lastest H5 L2J Revision. In general.properties, i've some unknown properties, so i'm here to know what this properties deals with.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Thread Configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extreme caution should be here, set to defaults if you do not know what you are doing. # These could possibly hurt your servers performance or improve it depending on your server's configuration, size, and other factors. # Default: 10 ThreadPoolSizeEffects = 10 # Default: 13 ThreadPoolSizeGeneral = 13 # Default: 2 UrgentPacketThreadCoreSize = 2 # Default: 4 GeneralPacketThreadCoreSize = 4 # Default: 4 GeneralThreadCoreSize = 4 # Default: 6 AiMaxThread = 6 # Dead Lock Detector (a separate thread for detecting deadlocks). # For improved crash logs and automatic restart in deadlock case if enabled. # Check interval is in seconds. # Default: True DeadLockDetector = True # Default: 20 DeadLockCheckInterval = 20 # Default: False RestartOnDeadlock = False They are useful to adapt for hardware?
  9. So i was wrong about the method that i would use. if (!AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().getAttackStanceTask(playable)) // in combat mode. { playable.setCurrentMp(playable.getCurrentMp()+Config.MoreManaNoCombat); } Works fine for me.. For ppl that searchs, you need to import import com.l2jserver.gameserver.taskmanager.AttackStanceTaskManager; in order to the condition work Thanks, solved.
  10. Hello, Last L2J Revision H5 Stable. How can i have access to the Method isCombatFlagEquipped() in L2PcInstance from ManaPotion.java? I tried to import L2PcInstance, to get the activeChar in a variable "L2PcInstance activeChar = getActiveChar()" in order to access the method but don't work? How can i do ? My goal : if (!playable.isCombatFlagEquipped()) { playable.setCurrentMp(playable.getCurrentMp()+Config.MoreManaNoCombat); }
  11. The Chaotic Throne: High Five Part 5 Require Java 7 Stable version! Core: http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_Server/ Datapack: http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/L2J_DataPack/ The Chaotic Throne: High Five Part 5 Require Java 7 Beta version! Core: http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/unstable/L2J_Server_BETA/ Datapack: http://svn.l2jdp.com/branches/unstable/L2J_DataPack_BETA/ L2J Community Server Require Java 7 Standalone version! Beta version! Server: http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_CommunityServer/
  12. So.. My posts are deleted from L2jServer forum.. IDK why, so i'll try to solve by myself. What can be the problem? On Dismo unt method? Edit : After some searchs, i've found petDelete.. but don't understand this writeC(0xb7); writeD(_petId);// dont really know what these two are since i never needed them writeD(_petObjId);//objectId
  13. Hello, I've just compiled last l2j stable svn revision When i summon a pet for the first time, i can -beep-t and dis-beep-t correctly, after the character is unable to -beep-t an other pet.. It's volunteer? I think it's strange.. H5 Chronicle Server Version=5207 Datapack Version=8702 Cordially, Bleadd
  14. XMX = max Xmn = min xms = ? average i guess..
  15. You create a 8100-8199.xml in skill folder. You paste the xml. After you need to add each skill to each skilltree Example: you add 8100 to skilltree of gladiator (classid = xx (i don't know the class id))
  16. You don't need to compile, you just need to add these skills to xml, and add these skills to the class through navicat or phpmyadmin.
  17. Windows 7 ... GL :P So in the startGameServer.bat -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m = 1 Go ram -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m = 2 go Ram But only in binaries numbers, example if you want 1.5 Go, it's 1024 + 512, not 1500
  18. There is so many things that are in the equation.. Resist debuff, level of the skill ls, mdef(not sure?) Anyway, all skills chance are coded like on official. So they are coded for not overbuffs players i guess..
  19. you need to access sources to make this kind of things and it isn't in html that you'll do this.. I guess (need infos from experienced dev) you need to create a new teleporter Instance
  20. You edit the html and you remove the link for nobless and other stuff
  21. OverEnchant. They enchant all the stuff in the same time from 0 to the max
  22. IDK, maybe use search button. Anyway i do this thing by myself, because maybe the person that make thee "pre-made" can change and boost some skills..
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