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Everything posted by mx4ever

  1. bump...
  2. re paidia m eipan oti iparxei ena bug/exploit me ta adena stos cosmos x30 kserete tpt? Site: http://www.cosmosl2.eu/ Gracia epilogue Dokimasa to search alla dn vrika tpt ... Edit: an iparxei kai kana allo bug ektos apo afto enimeroste me :)
  3. WTS sr 84 lvl full dynasty, db+10,baium/tezza/aq, 1 hero count skills +20 many more... pm me
  4. opws lei kai to tittle thelw na m peite pws mporw na blepw ta dmg pou kanw k pou dexomai panw stn oothoni.. iparxei kapoio patch? i egw prp na to ftiaksw? :-\
  5. opws lei k to title psaxnw ena patch p deixnei ta dmg p kaneis k pou dexese stin othoni...gia gracia Final client. PLZ HELP ME
  6. wts dynasty bow focus / dragonic set safe enchanted and full attributed/ dynastry leather armor main pm with offers... P.S: There are only 2 dynasty bows in server and i have 1 of them ::)
  7. na prosthesw k kati allo: Kapoia raid bosses kata tn gnwmi m peftoun k me 1 pt to opoio tha exei: 1. destro (stn opoio tha kanoume low gia na anoigei frenzy k dn t kanoume pote vr) 2.warcryer (gia buffs-cov) 3.bladedancer 4.swordsinger 5.warlock ( gia to buffaki blessing of queen) 6.bishop ( gia kana healaki) 7.evas saint (gia recharge-clarity) 8. 2os destro i alliws archer 9.3os destro i alliws archer (gia na pesei pio efkola) Egw me ta filarakia m etc xwnoume 3 rb sto toi k genika kapoia alla t opoia dn kanoun pl sobaro dmg..
  8. an dn kanw lathos iparxei k ena programma p legete Auto-cp clicker... dn t exw dokimasei alla to aneferw mipos k einai kltr.
  9. i dont like dynasty or icarus weapons at all.... My favorite is db... sorry but i dont have a photo :S
  10. bump.....
  11. +1 for necro its difficult to play them but if u know hor to play they are the best. and the second mage in my opinion is sph
  12. pl kalo guide file m an k nomizw oti o overlord kalitera einai me arcana robe dynasty einai ligo diskolo se low rate servers... anyway pl kalo guide me boithise arketa! keep up
  13. +1 PES cause it was the best from the begging and always was keeping better the only thing tha fifa has is reputation of his name..
  14. x5000 l2j
  15. exei brei kapoios kane exploit-hack-bug ston l2 total?? http://l2totalgr.no-ip.biz/ (interlude) pm or post here
  16. egw p to dokimasa se enan server m agoraze pali to oplo alla oxi +60 :S malon tha to exoun fixari
  17. na se sibliroso einai kai allo 1 me ta enhainsan Holywater...
  18. Brika ena bug stn l2 electro : http://l2-electro.ucoz.net/ einai to aplo k gnwsto se olous mas enhaizan Holywater p iparxei sto Gm shop mono p exei 5k k to poulas gia 10k k an agoraseis megali posotita vgeneis arketa kerdizmenos.. ;) Sinxoreste me gia tixon lathi m einai i prwti fora p anoigw topic... Ekana k ena search k dn eida paromio thread. An exei ksanaferthei delete it.. O server einai Gracia 2...
  19. soz diko m lathos
  20. opws lei to title agorazw items stn l2elixir i kanw k trade arkei na m peite ti items thelete k apo poion server...
  21. mpes google k grapse: fraps gt dn thimame to site
  22. isxiei akoma? timi?
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