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About Starfire868686

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  1. I got an error and not loading. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/awt/AWTUtilities at g3deditor.swing.Splash.<init>(Splash.java:62) at g3deditor.G3DEditor.main(G3DEditor.java:46) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:641) at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:188) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520) ... 2 more Press any key to continue . . .
  2. So no one know why it is there, its just there
  3. Hello! Im looking for a simple updater, I had this, but the updater configurator started to messing up. http://rootware.ru/lineage-2-updater/ Im not in monthly subscripsoin type stuff.
  4. looks intresting
  5. Hello! Im looking for help, don know its even possible, I made some alterations in chat window sizes for NPC-s. My problem is the QuestHTMLWnd is working, but cant find a way to resize the rewards icons back grounds. Some one have any idea for change it?
  6. Is there a way to make it work on L2j Sunrise? Is it possible to use other items to increse clan level like only donation coin as an alternate to the existing one. Like this Clan lvl 1: 100coin, lvl2 200, lvl3 300 .... lvl 10 10000coin. My base idea was, the clan members can buy a clan support coin from donation coin and auto deposited to the caln wh, and the leader leader can use this coint to level up the clan. Should i just forget it, maybe its possible? Im not great in programing, so I looking for help and, I hope some one like this idea.
  7. My ide was to doi in steps, first just the basic terrian, to all field. No staticmash etc. Next the texturing, so like this, but i don even know where to buy the stuff, how much is it etc.
  8. Well basically, its was just to practice, my final goal is to make the forgetted elmore part to public. If I'm able to learn the engine well. And i hope to find hein the build . Im kind of a fan of the missing part, because somwhere deep down at the c4 age i knew there should be more, after IT i snapped, this cant be all, and two years ago i finded this conception map. So this was my 20 year of l2, gaming and server managing in a nutshell
  9. well this far i was able to get
  10. I got an error at elven zone file not found Oren_DEV_T_ from textures. And after saving map, there is no shadow of the static mashes, the grass is missing, and a number of sound effects. Anyone have this file? I have a similiar named in the textures map Oren_DEV_T but somthing not right. I tried other editors, but they miss this file as well.
  11. Re share please, files not avaible.
  12. Is there a way to increase it by 50%? LineageMonster2.ifrit_30_bi
  13. Do you still have it?
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