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  1. can someone help me i want to generating geodata using client files i was searching and i find the geo generating but i don't have any idea how to use it if some 1 have tutorial https://github.com/madyanov/l2mapconv-public
  2. i have this error and i dont have any idea how i can fix it can some one help error : https://ibb.co/qdLj1L4 code : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package zones; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import l2f.commons.threading.RunnableImpl; import l2f.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import l2f.gameserver.listener.zone.OnZoneEnterLeaveListener; import l2f.gameserver.model.Creature; import l2f.gameserver.model.Player; import l2f.gameserver.model.Zone; import l2f.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2f.gameserver.utils.ReflectionUtils; /** * @author L2Mythras */ public class PvPZone implements ScriptFile { private static ZoneListener _zoneListener; @Override public void onLoad() { _zoneListener = new ZoneListener(); Zone zone = ReflectionUtils.getZone("[pvp_zone_toi]"); zone.addListener(_zoneListener); } @Override public void onReload() { on reload } @Override public void onShutdown() { on shutdown } public class ZoneListener implements OnZoneEnterLeaveListener { @Override public void onZoneEnter(Zone zone, Creature cha) { ScheduledFuture<?> _checkTask = null; if (zone.getParams() == null || !cha.isPlayable()) return; if (!cha.isPlayer()) return; cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You have entered in a PvP Zone!"); cha.startPvPFlag(null); cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You are now flagged!"); _checkTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(new checkZone((Player)cha, zone, _checkTask), 60000, 60000); } public class checkZone extends RunnableImpl { Player _cha; Zone _zone; ScheduledFuture<?> _checkTask; public checkZone(Player cha, Zone zone, ScheduledFuture<?> checkTask) { _cha = cha; _zone = zone; _checkTask = checkTask; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { if(_cha.isInZone(_zone)) { _cha.startPvPFlag(null); } else { _checkTask.cancel(true); _checkTask = null; } } } @Override public void onZoneLeave(Zone zone, Creature cha) { if (cha == null) return; cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You have left the PvP Zone !"); cha.getPlayer().stopPvPFlag(); } } } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. i want to add a buttons that open alt+b community board but not the index .html other one the default for index : gameserver\data\html-en\scripts\services\communityPVP\pages\index.htnl what i want : gameserver\data\html-en\scripts\services\communityPVP\gatekeeper\ main.htm can some one help plz function HandleShowBoardWnd() { local string strParam; ParamAdd(strParam, "Init", "1"); ExecuteEvent(EV_ShowBBS, strParam); } this code open index :gameserver\data\html-en\scripts\services\communityPVP\pages\index.htnl
  4. i want to modify this HP windows but i don't know what they named in the interface .u and interface .xdat can some help ??? https://ibb.co/0M0J6Qs
  5. I started hating this site, everything became paid You will be disappointed to understand that not all people have the possibility to pay monthly
  6. my error in writing the interface window fixed
  7. i want to add macro inventory to this interface and i add the interface.u script and i test it work but wane i add the windows in interface.xdat i gat a black Screen can some one help me note : i am beginner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qcfrsh8pBl6QYfMNcZepRMvRlZosw3iD?usp=sharing ====>> interface.u interface.xdat
  8. can some one make skill grp for h5 or tell my how to do it 31230 1 0 34 900 2 2.77999997 1 E SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.1 SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.skill11018 0 0 0 0 9 11 31231 1 0 34 900 2 2.77999997 1 E SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.2 SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.skill11018 0 0 0 0 9 11 31232 1 0 34 900 2 2.77999997 1 E SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.3 SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.skill11018 0 0 0 0 9 11 31233 1 0 34 900 2 2.77999997 1 E SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.4 SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.skill11018 0 0 0 0 9 11 31234 1 0 34 900 2 2.77999997 1 E SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.5 SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.skill11018 0 0 0 0 9 11 31235 1 0 34 900 2 2.77999997 1 E SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.6 SGERfjs_SkillsElemental.skill11018 0 0 0 0 9 11
  9. i want to change it to h5 if is it possible
  10. i want to Modification this bata npc code to make players pay for this Services pay item id 57 package l2f.gameserver.model.instances; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import l2f.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import l2f.gameserver.database.DatabaseFactory; import l2f.gameserver.model.Player; import l2f.gameserver.model.entity.olympiad.Olympiad; import l2f.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket; import l2f.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PledgeShowInfoUpdate; import l2f.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SkillList; import l2f.gameserver.network.serverpackets.UserInfo; import l2f.gameserver.tables.SkillTable; import l2f.gameserver.templates.npc.NpcTemplate; import l2f.gameserver.utils.Log; public final class BetaNPCInstance extends NpcInstance { /** * Author Ady */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5938813598479742068L; public BetaNPCInstance(int objectId, NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } @Override public void onBypassFeedback(Player player, String command) { if (!canBypassCheck(player, this)) { return; } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("change_sex")) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement offline = null; try { con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); offline = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET sex = ? WHERE obj_Id = ?"); offline.setInt(1, player.getSex() == 1 ? 0 : 1); offline.setInt(2, player.getObjectId()); offline.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, offline); } player.changeSex(); player.sendMessage("Your gender has been changed !!"); Log.add(new StringBuilder().append("Character ").append(player).append(" changed sex to ").append(player.getSex() == 1 ? "male" : "female").toString(), "renames"); } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("add_clan_reputation")) { if (player.getClan() != null) { player.getClan().incReputation(10000, false, "BetaNpc"); player.getClan().broadcastToOnlineMembers(new L2GameServerPacket[] { new PledgeShowInfoUpdate(player.getClan()) }); player.sendMessage("Your clan received 10 000 clan reputation!"); } else { player.sendMessage("You don't have clan to use this feature!"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("add_exp_sp")) { player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); player.addExpAndSp(999999999L, 999999999L); } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("add_fame")) { player.setFame(player.getFame() + 10000, "BetaNpc"); player.sendPacket(new UserInfo(player)); player.sendMessage("You received 10.000 fame points !"); } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("give_noblesse")) { if (!player.isNoble()) { Olympiad.addNoble(player.getPlayer()); player.getPlayer().setNoble(true); player.getPlayer().updatePledgeClass(); player.getPlayer().updateNobleSkills(); player.getPlayer().sendPacket(new SkillList(player.getPlayer())); player.getPlayer().broadcastUserInfo(true); player.getInventory().addItem(7694, 1L, "nobleTiara"); player.sendMessage("Congratulations! You gained noblesse rank."); player.broadcastUserInfo(true); } else if (player.isNoble()) { player.sendMessage("You already have noblesse rank !"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("give_hero")) { if (!player.isHero()) { player.setHero(true); player.updatePledgeClass(); player.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(395, 1)); player.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(396, 1)); player.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1374, 1)); player.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1375, 1)); player.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1376, 1)); player.sendPacket(new SkillList(player)); player.getPlayer().broadcastUserInfo(true); player.sendMessage("Congratulations! You gained hero rank."); player.broadcastUserInfo(true); } else if (player.isNoble()) { player.sendMessage("You already have hero rank !"); } } else { super.onBypassFeedback(player, command); } } @Override public boolean isNpc() { return true; } }
  11. how I can get vip ???????
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