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Everything posted by HeErOG4

  1. If possible someone could post and sargitarius pvp video !! Tnks !!
  2. Dynasty bow is very beautiful, but the best for me is BOP !! ;D
  3. Very good man and very organized tnks for sharing.. !!
  4. I prefer divine, hard damage ;D
  5. Nobless is the best !!
  6. HeErOG4


    Its very good, for me is another lvl of tv show, its so good and the latest season is going in a very good way !!
  7. PLOT During the day, Dexter Morgan is a jovial employee in the Miami Metropolitan Police Department's crime lab, but his meticulously crafted life masks his true nature. In reality Dexter is a disciplined and murderous psychopath (a self-admitted "monster"), and he slakes his blood lust at night by carefully killing the serial killers he tracks down during the day. Based on the novels 1 SEASON 2 SEASON 3 SEASON http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGHtQ3UfLIA 4 SEASON http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ageR58yU6ro Can't wait to see the 4 season hahaha !!
  8. Tnks for sharing man !! Very usefull.. !! ps. Bookmarked some links ^^
  9. Don't know if im going to buy this one, the first one at the beggining u think that is very cool and nice, but after some hours the game gets so bored and repetitive.. !! I ll try at least the demo... ps. add some videos with gameplay =)
  10. Some screens and youtube videos would help a lot ur thread.. !! Btw tnks for sharing ^^
  11. For me is archers... !! So nice to see them, in movies or in games ! !
  12. Tnks !! Very usefull, daggers with those combination are very imba.. !!
  13. Soulbow with QR good with fullbuffs and mass pvp. Carnage for 1x1 just.. !!
  14. Thx for sharing. This can made in some raid bosses when you have VR
  15. My first game on pc was doom, it was soo fucking crazy !! Good times that don't come back =/
  16. Strategy... 3 years playing warcraft.. I just can't play fps too fast for me haha.. (i voted wrong =/)
  17. Totally agree with u, my nokias are very strong !! Too bad that i haven't had a blackberry to tell my opinion about it .. !!
  18. I like firefox !! =)
  19. Nice again Grison.. !! Tnks for sharing the review, it seem's to be a good game while u are taking a time from la2.. haha !! i ll check this one tnks =)
  20. Man.. !! OMG, i hate to see a game like halo and remember that i have a ps3.. ohh god !! This is for sure a MUST BUY !! =)
  21. Yes i thought the same.. !! it looks like syphoon.. =)
  22. I think the play3 version has better graphics... !! I ll check this version, but i dont think that it will be better than the SNES batmans.. !!
  23. Man resident evil is so good, and now with this new version we can play with a very good co-operate mode.. So imba !! ^^
  24. I used to play so much when i was younger, but now i just can't look to this =/
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