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    United States

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  1. I am looking to buy an acp with registration and donations for L2OFF IL files. Whos still selling out there?
  2. Any ones use these guys that can make recommendation of service?
  3. Basically looking for a mentor type figure to learn from / show me the ropes and answer my questions. Looking to learn/grow as an L2OFF developer and hopefully contribute to this community. (Used to be a big modder for other games back in the day)
  4. Heya all, Long time L2 player returning to the world after many years break. I am trying to understand the nuanced differences between all the forked Interlude projects out there. 1) What is the general community consensus (if any) - What are people playing? old-school IL or newer classic IL? Why? 2) Can anyone explain the difference between Vanganth 2018, Vanganth C4 Ext, Gracia Final Core downgrade, and Classic IL? (any others?) - What are the major changes/fixes/stability things to consider BESIDES visuals/UI. Really appreciate the insights, kinda confusing hopping back in.
  5. Hello all, I am looking for a prominent L2OFF dev who has kept up to date with the priv server community to help me setup and launch a server. Looking for L2OFF - Interlude files as I still have the modded gameplay features server files I was working on a few years back but need help with setting up network/ports db best practices yada yada. I have completely forgotten everything about the different forks of the files, vanganth etc so need someone with expertise to update me on the current state of the L2 OFF files. A little about me : Ex. AA Game Designer, current Software Engineer. Looking to relive some nostalgia with L2 since Throne and Liberty PvP sucks. DM me your rates (what it would take to acquire your help/guidance) and a little about yourself. Thank You!
  6. Why is this not on the main post...?
  7. Love this, the one in the back is the best texture, the colored ones not so much. Thanks for the share
  8. Hey, these mobs look cool, id love to use them. What do you mean the pass is only for "active" people? what constitutes active?
  9. How does one edit the amount of items dropped or % chance a player drops an item when dying to an NPC in L2OFF interlude vanganth ? I searched and found the same topic but the author said he solved the problem without posting a solution and thread is locked.
  10. Guessing it has something to do w the Ai, figured it out the mob i used was a party mob leader and it was set to spawn w privates under npcpos Changing the parent it extends from fixed this
  11. Hello xeL Thanks for your tool. It seems quite handy. However I am having some troubles with decompiled AI code. I am working on the steward class, and when it decomplies it seems to oddly have alot of blank / empty if clauses. Here is one example: And another: So when I make my changes and recompile, all these old options are broken :( Do you have any idea whats the cause? Or some type of solution. Also added on Skype if you prefer to message there Thanks for your help
  12. So i managed to add the if checks for InMyTerritory to the grandparent of barions class, inside its eventHandler Attacked function. Why I couldnt override it in the grand child class.. idk? As it even had a call to super. still looking for a way to have a raidboss use global announce
  13. Hello I found this thread which basically asks the same question however the answer is vague, and the forum rules are only to post answers, not ask questions so it is my understanding I must repost this How do you make it so a raid returns to its territory if its pulled too far? I have downloaded GM Panel and found the raidboss i want to edit he has no info inside his decompiled class. However he does have a parent class with some info in it. raid_boss_type2 It does not have any territory info, so I went and looked at AQ. AQ has 2 files, ai_boss01_queen_ant and queen_ant Inside the parent there is : and inside the child class there is : I tried moving this code from the child class into my raidboss (barions) class, however the NPC server throws nothing but errors when I do this so something is wrong. Not sure what. Lastly, I dont know where I would get the code from "hero announce" but I image I put it under
  14. Ive seen this on a few other servers, and now its happening to me as well, One of my custom zone mobs likes to sometimes spawn with a lowbie orc along side it... very off putting in an S grade dungeon. I have about 4 of these custom mobs per area , and only 1 will spawn w the orc. Killing the custom mob and keeping the orc alive means the orc will not respawn with the custom mob. However as soon as you kill the orc, it will respawn next time the custom mob does. Any ideas why?
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