Hello I found this thread which basically asks the same question however the answer is vague, and the forum rules are only to post answers, not ask questions so it is my understanding I must repost this
How do you make it so a raid returns to its territory if its pulled too far?
I have downloaded GM Panel and found the raidboss i want to edit he has no info inside his decompiled class.
However he does have a parent class with some info in it. raid_boss_type2
It does not have any territory info, so I went and looked at AQ.
AQ has 2 files,
ai_boss01_queen_ant and queen_ant
Inside the parent there is :
and inside the child class there is :
I tried moving this code from the child class into my raidboss (barions) class, however the NPC server throws nothing but errors when I do this so something is wrong.
Not sure what.
I dont know where I would get the code from "hero announce"
but I image I put it under