yeaaaaa revenge,exstreme... THE BEST after they shut down revenge i stopped playing l2.... c3,c4 and c5 were the best!!! >:D >:D >:D >:D Clans: Stone temple remember? :)
Good Gm's banhammer, howardstern... :D
yeah its rly cool u have lvls ... and staff and ranks it has 1 prob .... hacking tools... its a guard named "Punk Bastard" he detect and ban but mrpg forum has rly cool staff that Punk BAstard cant detect and you can jump like 50m high and snipe... u can have what ever wep.. and staff..
dont belive in none of this ... okay some ppl say they saw U.F.O :S (idiotic) on some video tapes you can see ghost... you can do it with some programs meybe they exist but there is no proof.. GG
Lol "Registered" :P? bcose if u look the votes... they are rly poor
Example: hopzone: 223.. and so on a server cant have 2500+ ppl and almost so small votes.. cant be if he sad so many ppl he would be ob all (hopzone,top200,top100) 1st,2nd,3rd on the site..