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Warcelo last won the day on December 28 2023

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  1. Hi friend, for CT0 - interlude, it didn't work, even though the file is already decoded, with xdat editor 1.3.7 it works normally, it opens interlude
  2. Tnx bro, this helps the community a lot!, the RGBA8 fix was perfect.
  3. Hello everyone, showing here a little of my work, interface for interlude, inspired by essence, but not the same, follow video and download link, a hug to all. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lhx636kbog2cfm7/Silent_Essence_-_V7.1.7z/file
  4. Congratulations my friend, great work!, it's beautiful and from what I see very functional, go ahead, a hug.
  5. Hello everyone, everything good? In addition to playing a little with the interface, I also want to start venturing into creating skills, I'm a beginner in this, working alone I'm already understanding a little bit of the structure, in tests I've already created the entries in skill.usk and also in lineageeffect.u , but what I'm not able to do is skill.usk to read my creations in lineageeffect.u, I locked it at this point, because in the field where I need to look for the created effect, it doesn't list, for information I'm using l2pe, so if Can someone help me, I saw that there is a topic that is fixed on the subject, but the video that is in it has been off for almost 1 year: so if anyone can help me i would be very grateful.
  6. Hi Celestine!, in the case of the "Me" variable, I think it was only necessary to describe to the people that it receives the window object in question that is being manipulated. But great tutorial, congratulations.
  7. look: https://imgur.com/a/ceasNuY
  8. they are with third-party encryption and he didn't share the dlls, so for those who put an interface on a client where the server doesn't have the encrypt dlls, the problem will occur.
  9. Perfect !! tnx man!
  10. the image must be loading from another texture file that is not the game default
  11. there is no trojan, some antivirus may report a false positive in some dll's, as they are interface protection.
  12. Thank you so much for supporting Celestine, you are the man!
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