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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. Premonition O.o http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=VS5KszSQQUo http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=21dTTe76UJA http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=YEEoApGoxww
  2. Google is your friend and he told me: This is possible only for certain stereo tracks. When the vocals are exactly the same on both stereo channels, you can remove them by subtracting one channel from the other. This works for many studio recordings, where the vocal track is mixed exactly in the center. To do this in Audacity: Import your stereo file into Audacity. Open the track menu (click the arrow next to the track title), and choose Split Stereo Track. Select the lower track (the right channel) by clicking it in the area around the mute/solo buttons. Choose Invert from the Effects menu. Using the track menus, change each track to Mono. Press the Play button to hear the results. If you are lucky, the voice will be gone but most of the other instruments will be unaffected, just like a karaoke track. You can use the Export commands in the File menu to save the results. My comment , use soundForge that is the best Audio program will ever exist but i cant discuss warez any way :P
  3. yes it is and there is alredy 1 shared in forum (but that is the regular trydent Whit red color and no Special Shine) Good Work i add it to the list.-
  4. Yhea he can use /target Invisiblenoob xD Any way this may work some l2j IL no?
  5. why 211? Rofl ... Any way xD i think he mind the ofi.. no? wtf is that lol? Any way looks good ty.- btw this is old :P
  6. GrisoM


    Read my sig ^.^ :-* Karma is no good (people cry about it) jajaja Simple Do good things + kamra do band things - karma dont do anything 0 Karma ^^
  7. Fixed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYjhFjvw5gk&feature=related
  8. So i just need to add that code in the last part of : net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\base\experience.java ? Its simple but , i wounder for wich client is this ??? and has u said this is old ;P [ +1 year ] any way ty..
  9. Duals - Fists FrozenDemonicFists [CT2.3] DualIceHomunkulus [CT2.3] KnightDualSwords [CT2.3] Czweapons [iL] PsychoClaws [iL] Black&IceDualMaces [CT2.4] Aion Duals[CT2.4] Bows PoisonedBow [CT2.3] CustomDynastyBow [CT2.2] CustomSpidermanDraconicBow [CT2.2] FireVesperBow [CT2.3] DracyidBow [CT2.3] ShirusBow [CT2.3] IceBow [iL] SkullBow [Hellbound] FireFlare Bow [CT2.4] Shields MaxcheatersShieldLighting [iL] Yugioh BigAspisGardna [iL] KindomHeartsShield [iL] PokemonShields [iL] L2KhaosShields [CT2.4] AnimatedShieldsCollection [iL] Dusk Shield [iL] Single Swords (1 hand 2 handed) - Spears/pole FrozenSword [CT2.3] SpikePole [CT2.3] DemonSlayer [iL] Doom'sApostle [iL] Blunts DemonicArcanaMace [Hellbound] Blac&IceMace [CT2.4] Daggers YellowAngelSlayer [iL] ReverseSoulfireDirkDagger [Hellbound] NPCs CustomSexyGatekeeper [iL] L2Rave Custom Npcs[interlude] Others WolverineClaws [CT2.3] GokuMasks [CT2.3] EpicEnergyMasks [CT2.3] MakarovPistol [CT2.3] DarkCrystalHelmet [CT2.3] LindViorSigil [HellBound] KalashikovWeapon [CT2.3] TeaPot [CT2.3] ChristmasHome [CT2.3] KindomHeartsLexicon [iL] VforVendettaMask Nokia5410 [iL] Raquette [CT2.3] EmoHair PhoenixSymbol [CT2.3] Masks [CT2.3] CustomSanta'sHar [iL] [share] High Five Mobs [CT2.4] Epic Energy Mask [iL] Sets Of Weapons DemonicWeapons [CT2.3] ShiVesperWeapons [CT2.3] DesertEagleWeapons [CT2.3] ThunderWeaponSet [CT2.3] StarWarsWeapons [CT2.3] MechanicWeapons [CT2.3] IceInfinityWeapons [iL] EgyptianWeapon [iL] FreyaWeapons [CT2.3] AvatarWeapons [CT2.3] HuronGoldenWeapons [CT2.3] HuronGoldenWeaponsv2 [CT2.4] SnowIcedWeapons [CT2.3] AcidWeapons [CT2.4] MordorWeapons [CT2.4] DiamondWeapons [iL] Galaxy's Icarus Set [CT2.4] Black Chaotic Weapons [CT2.5] Sets Of Armors SpecialGMArmor [CT2.3] SilverStormArmor [CT2.3] CustomArmor [CT2.3] Freya armor[CT2.4] Giant's Cave Weapons[CT2.4] Berphes (Vesper) Armor[iL] AIO - armors+weapons+wings Dynasty Metal Green Amor + Weapons + Wings [iL] Desert Eagle Armor,Weapons & Wings [iL] ~Custom Sources~ Stefoulis15 Custom Source [-] K4rMaArr0ws Custom Source [-] CriticalError Custom Source [-] BlackDragonFullItems [CT2.3] Guides [Guide]Adapting Items Between Chronicles][All Chronicles]
  10. SS: Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/153674783/Red_Wyvern.rar.html BB From now on Credits inside Download
  11. Read the rules http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35638.0 Edit your Post Title Or it will be closed
  12. Is this realted to l2 modding or is just a tut to learn use photoshop? If this is just a tut this should be moved to offtopic Answer asap so i ask a mod to move it
  13. The Chances of this "Tournament" to happend are 1-200 =) Dont waste your time myfriend ;P Btw i check and i cant Whit my Shity Aoe ;/ GL
  14. This is a wierd bug man O.o So this only work on IL that have retail bases? Or u try it in other like any l2j ? Btw u just need to Take off and wear again 1 item while the snipe buff goes away? I will try it in 2 servers and tell u my results Keep up Btw How do u know if The admin of dn read this forum? w00t gz for those that play dn xD
  15. Is this a joke? U think this is an Exploit? LoL i ask a mod to move this to general ... or send to junk
  16. HE is a noob for fuck saint who gives a shit he only want help OMG how can u be such an ass hole? LOL
  17. ¬¬ Ofc They have done it now , why do u think i put those videos from the 60's and not The actual ones ;P I Still Think whit the technology of the past this was imposible .. + the video have A lot of Things that proove that and more reason . . .
  18. they are bolth the same .. Also by 200 euro u will not get the fender That jimy hendrix use to play ;P Spen a little bit more and buy a Cheap Gibson ... btw in style the 2 one is MUCH more good looking
  19. Here u go: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25239.0 BB
  20. O.o Where can u do that bug? LoL Bugger are dying unfortunately , that is why i said , when u cant bug i preffer be all day player and win the respect of the others than being a donator that havent done nothing and get the same So u cant be bugger evrywhere ^^ LoL Go play a low server and tell me if lethal work boy :-* and in hige rate servers they set up that lethal to be 1/100 =(
  21. Here is what u need http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35753.0 See ya
  22. 2 things 1 None of the things are warez no? Re Check that beacuse u may get -1 (i tell u this beacuse latly u have done good work) 2 my pc dosnt load the photos u upload Also The sticky Is just for things that proove they are usefull for forum by the cuantity of replys or beacuse the forum need that In my Opinion Forum Dosnt need this BUT if this proove to be Usefull for evryone Then I will ask personally a mod to stick this ty bud keep up~
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