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Everything posted by Satanus

  1. 1893
  2. i just dont get it :S
  3. Satanus


    i like Tradicional songs!
  4. Satanus

    Jokes (EN)

    This little 6 year old girl comes running home all distressed and howling her head off. Her mother, finally gets it out of her between the bawling, that her daughter has been raped. The mother settles the little girl down, enough to get her to the police station, to report this horrible act. At the police station, the sergent interviewing the little girl, asks as nicely as he can: "Could you please tell me what the nasty man did, so we can get him?" The little girl sobs "Yeah, I'll try sniff, sniff" Policeman: "Righto then what's happened?" Girl: "sob Well I was walking down the street to get mummy some milk. sniff sob When the big nasty man jumped out and grabbed me bawl" Policeman: "Yes please go on ..." Girl: "Then sob sob he lifted up my dress howl" Policeman: "then? ..." Girl: "He pulled down my pants ... absolutely bawling now ..... no I can't go on ...." The sergent then stands up from behind the desk wanking himself for dear life and says "WELL FUCKING MAKE SOMETHING UP!"
  5. SoulTaker (Curse of doom +10,Anchor +10) etc etc bam bam boom boom kapuffffffff Dead.
  6. I am 13 years old :P FTW
  7. yeah ill update it all the time thx
  8. -Resident evil .. all series ;p F.E.A.R
  9. Lineage2 Top 3 WebSite's and Top 3 Server's!! ========HopZone======== 1st:Lineage 2 DEX Romania Server Info's: -Type:Interlude -Rate's:4x/4x/4x -Vote's:4191 2nd:iNFiNiTY SkillS Awaken Server Info's: -Type:Interlude -Rate's:5000x/5000x/5000x -Vote's:3293 3rd: Azure Gaming: Lineage II Server Info's: -Type:c5 -Rate's:5x/5x/5x -Votes:3136 ========Lineage 2 Top 200======== 1st :¤¤¤||| L2 SpiritRenewal |||¤¤¤ Server Info's: -Type:kamael -Rate's:35x/35x/35x -Vote's:... 2nd :Anthares Server Info's: -Type:Interlude(l2 off) -Rates:50x exp -Votes:20642 3rd:----> H O R Y U <---- Server Info's: -Type:Interlude(l2 off) -Rates:50x exp -Votes:20642 ========Lineage2 top 100======== 1st:Lineage II Paradise Server Info's: -Type:Hellbound(2 worlds) -Rate's:50x | 250x -Vote's:2429 2nd:Aden World BR -Lineage II Interlude SE Server Info's: -Type:Interlude -Rate's:7x -Votes:2353 3rd:Dragon-Network Server Info's: -Type:Interlude -Rate's:x5, x10, x15, x30, x200 Servers -Votes:2464 Here are some Server's of our members L][ THUNDER -Type:Interlude -Rate's:x3000/3000/4000 ==L][ Thunder== L][sPEED -Type:HellBound -Rate's:45x ==L][ SPEED== L][ Phoenix -Type:Interlude -Rate's:20x ==L][ PHOENIX== [move]!!!UPDATED!!![/move]
  10. Thanks very usefull
  11. I am from Croatia and i am 13 years old.I don't have a credit card.And i want to donate.I have some probs.I would give 14Evro to a Note ocrea and send it by normal mail.I would be glad if u can gimme adress...of ur home and i would send u i know it will be a long trip to...greece. Answer me if thats possible. Thx
  12. can i get a sig too :S i do stupid sigs :S
  13. I am a big fan of Croatia team so i hope they will win GO CROATIA!
  14. Nice share :P I have this to learn java (How to learn java in 24 hours) http://www.2shared.com/file/3440783/208e0c5b/java.html Still can some1 help me i dunno in what rpgo to writte java and other programs...
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