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Everything posted by Deathboss

  1. Do you know the Defi projects ? is alot !!! is something like miners and give you passive income per day one of them is : https://thedrunkenchicken.app the best way to take lot of money on it is to be one of the first investor ! join in the community and take also 10% refferal bonus ! dont forget to join on telegram group and wait the opening !
  2. Hello i sell Exilium server files with or without source files (last) compile files 800 euro full source files 2000 euro pm me thanks
  3. WTS items on exilium 150-200 euro full set acc full 200-800 euro exilium coins 1000 coin 85 euro pm me for more info payment with crypto
  4. check the forex ecosystem ....
  5. Hello we have investors on this project in our forum ? Its a very good project i personal invest at the Drip garden and Pig pen this is the project link : https://theanimal.farm/referrals/0x123aAEA9BC240695DFe07C047ccFAB5ed70E60cd
  6. Hello i need a little help here in my final contest with my prototype honda glx turbo i need just your like in facebook the picture with most like win the contest just like the photo here : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1828791640777850&set=pcb.795360093972285&type=3&theater a big thanks !!!!
  7. Add me at skype : kostas.ladas1 !!!
  8. You pay in website and ingame put your paypal mail you pay before and if you alredy donate take the reward ingame
  9. Thanks yes we fix it alredy all be ok... is something on cached pakets :happyforever:
  10. Gracia Final X10 PTS server time - gmt +2 Main server rates: Exp/SP x10 Adena x4 SealStone x20 Drop chance х4, amount х1 Spoil chance х10, amount х1 RB Exp/Sp x10 (does not affect on Epic RB) RB Drop x1 (does not affect on Epic RB) Manor x1 Fame x1 Quest Exp/SP/Adena x4/4/3 Server Features 3 Client limit per PC Vote Reward system from the beggining Antibot & also antibot policy. Offlineshop .offline Class Change NPC 1st & 2nd class with adena or donation (100.000 adena, 500.000 adena respectively) + 3rd Class retail for some days Clanhall prices will be increased and can be bought only from active clans (need 5lev for bid) exp on/off + other commands providing comfortable gaming Olympiad Retail. Olympiad Clan level up Retail Retail Subclass Retail Nobless Seven Signs & Sieges like retail buffer with adena 1 hour. Buffs of the first and second professions, dances, songs. Secure Anti-DDoS protection sites + servers Server Donations Premium Account +40% XP/SP, +30% Adena Donation coins First class: 100k adena Second class: 500k adena 3rd Class: retail on the beggining. it may changes with donation coins later Hair Accessories Premium Account Change email Unban account rename char/clan/pet change sex change main class WebSite: http://l2worldofwitchcraft.com Forum:http://l2worldofwitchcraft.com/forum Facebook Page:http://www.facebook.com/lin2wow SERVER IS LIVE JOIN NOW
  11. hello well the web panel i use is the demort cabinet check it here http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/200928-account-manager-%C2%A9demort
  12. hmmm thanks for your help and how that can be fixed is something on web panel config or ?? thanks for your help .....
  13. Hello i need some help for someone know about l2off vanganth files well the problem apear in cached console when i try to buy something for my website control panel
  14. Best files , best support and helpful guy all work fine with it.
  15. Trusted skilled and friendly guy .... I have already worked with him 2 times....
  16. Hello i want if someone have the auto donate system source with ingame comand .donate thanks
  17. sorry but i can't pay for sometheing like that :/
  18. Hello i want to sell my lineage 2 website full with psd domain + hosting the server never open live due no time ! i give also at the same prize mailer that allows sent unlimited mails only inbox .... work perfect for good server advertising and also facebook page with 2,8 k likes the website is : http://l2nereus.com the fb page is : https://www.facebook.com/l2nereus you can see the files and also the psd file before pay it i accept paypal payment prize is : 110 euro pm me here if you intresting ....
  19. hello i want to sell my exilium server accounts is full + chars with +20 wep - armor and full skills i sell also some donate items for prize and info just pm me for safe trade we can make the trade with midleman... buyer pay the fee
  20. thanks bro i alredy check them but also i need off dev ofc not for free services ....
  21. us title says i need dev or someone know about off files to help me setup-install off server in pc thanks pm me or reply here
  22. I want to sell my EU account that I've been playing on since Summoner's War was released. Here are some features of my account: Many of my towers and flags/buildings are maxed out, including the speed tower (15%). I've got a lot of good nat 4 monsters and several *5 fusions. I can easily reach and stay G1-2 in arena, and I can clear ToA 100 with several teams. The monster capacity is expanded to 100, and the monster storage can hold up to 350 monsters. You can offer anything, looking for a serious offer. I can be contacted at Skype : kostas.ladas1 The payment can be done through PayPal I'll send the pictures on Skype, since my name is visible on ut. Trusted buyer, otherwise we can use a middleman. http://i67.tinypic.com/1zl3z8g.png http://i68.tinypic.com/2j0axx2.png http://i65.tinypic.com/2100vgg.png
  23. Hello i sell smartcrypt program with payed License key i sell it because i stop with l2 project and i dont use it SmartCrypt is a game client extension that allows to encrypt game files with custom encryption key. The purpose of this product is to provide best protection for your files from being modefiend and used by others. Protected files are guaranteed from being modefied or viewed. Basic description: Supports 111, 121 and 413 Lineage II encryption algorithms Works for any chronicle of Lineage II. Will work for both, server owners and mod-makers Payment methods : paypal i show the files before the payment... i buy it for 200 euro i sell it for 150 euro
  24. Trusted seller Fast and skilled gl with your sales....
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