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Everything posted by RearBumper

  1. Dragon Bomber FTW!!!
  2. Heaven read it again :}
  3. good but I want a pic
  4. nice GM SHOPPP tnx man ;} keep doing what r u doing :} :*
  5. hm who doenst know that xDDDDD doubt >.<
  6. coooool thats what I need in my serverrrr!!!
  7. hmmm I am gonna try this and replay here
  8. Interlude is for now the BEST for m0st of the ppl but fore me every new chronicle is Better than any other tnx....
  9. nice answer xDD XDDDDD noob :D
  10. its cool tnx man
  11. lolz good luck dudez
  12. The first time it work now it doesnt
  13. I am likeeeee Line <== the real pronounce of the word and Age<== like Iron-Age ( 1456 Year) and btw when u enter the game and starting a character the women (PC-women) who is talking she pronounce the second way
  14. ooo never think about this tnx bro
  15. why do I need +4 wit?
  16. Draco and MJ are rly good both cool tnx again to everyone : )
  17. Anubis u tehnic is rly cool but I prefer Maj for every archer : )) (if u have ADENAS ofc ) :D
  18. Tell me few words for archer equipment :)) :-*
  19. xbox360 Why? Cheaper, cool, internet, and looks better than ps3 (outlook) and graphics are better than ps3 X360 4ever :)))
  20. great dude - bravo lud qko si go izmislil az sam goose94 ot skype ;]]
  21. what does PVE mean sorry?
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