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Everything posted by Nasiferus

  1. hello all somebody good person can give me good clean interface? with auto farm and others good things... thx in advnaced
  2. hello all, i repeat one time more... this is the number one P2W server, and all know.. how much items Zeus give to two clans for stay in their server... bye bye
  3. bye dude, play l2warland the best corrupt and pay to win server... trash admin zeus
  4. Give me your contact. I buy this script
  5. Captcha is this: I buy script, but who have it? Regards!
  6. european boys, are stupid or what? l2sa is the same server like alot of br servers opened every weekend... players of this server are trash like server don't try to play more this br trash servers
  7. U are retard? EXIST BLESS ACOUNT (and are stuck), alot people like P1T and these boys have more 15 bless account per char, so 60k golds per day, this is not p2w? l2warland = p2w server P.S: People know this with the time, and are leaving.. u can join now and see low people, with login light every hour. Zeus your system broke dude, fail server l2warland.
  8. hi skylord, hahahaha, really funny, im real nasiferus, i never say u hahahaha l2warland corrupt lover!<3
  9. ahahaha stop lie man, l2 warland is the best corrupt server actually
  10. ahahaha stop lie man, l2 warland is the best corrupt server actually
  11. L2Warland is not the best server really.. only some players play this... but, is the best P2W server + corrupt.. why P2W server? Bless account are stuck haha, so, any player can donate money and more money for have more bless account and much golds for buy all and not play... this unblanace totally server... actually much people are leaving of l2warland for this, epic p2w server NOT RECOMMEND this P2W server
  12. Actually server have 4 valakas neklace haha, this is not possible... how obvious were you zeus your desire for money got out of control
  13. because now, i will leave server, so im selling all my items not low items +6... u play l2warland? go join and pm MaxCraftines
  14. he ban my own acc because i say the true, but relax, all my items from corruption with eu clan are in other char, im selling aot items and more 800k golds
  15. sos de venezuela con razon, te estas cagando de hambre, queres 100 usd? se que te cambian la vida en parte, que pais de mierda compadre
  16. Hello community, im selling items l2warland. LIST: Dc robe set +13 Draconic set +11 IC set +8 Db f+14 + dm active Db f+11 + dm passive Am a+13 + wm passive Am a+9 + prayer active AS h+14 + dm passive FB f+ 12 + no augment FB h+9 + battle roar active SET tts jewels +13 Set tts jewels +8 Alot of materials / recipes / adena Orfen +11 AQ+10 CORE+6 ZAKEN+9 774K Golds (Donation item) Contact with me: https://www.facebook.com/l2server.interlude All prices will talk pm.
  17. I have char with full items +13 set ic set dc set tlm set draconic, db +14, am +104 x6 weapons s +11 with augments, and more 200k golds L2WARLAND = TRASH SERVER L2WARLAND = P2W = CORRUPT SERVER P.S: Zeus pay to PaSi 600 EUROS for no give proofs HAHAHA best funny admin
  18. Hello all, Im selling my fb account...! All friends are from lineage 2 game. https://www.facebook.com/l2server.interlude Send pm, i sell it now, very cheap!
  19. Hello community, Im here for give u this information about l2warland server. Me and my clan from south america and other clan "ELMATADORES" have proofs about l2warland corrupt server. First, this is the best p2w server, u need always donate for can progress, because if u dont donate u need play 20hs per day for can obtain decent items. Exist "BLESS ACCOUNT" for donators, with this, u dont need play, u need only wait the coins and then buy items, but, u can talk with admin, personal contact, for buy more of this, u can buy items ++++ epic shadows donations. I only want send this infos, because in this forum exist good players and not is just play this shit. Thx, good luck! THANKS ZEUS FOR FREE ITEMS, PALA HERO Nasiferus WITH ITEMS +13 + FULL AUGMENTS, TRASH SERVER! BEST CORRUPT! IM HERE FOR HELP U, DONT TRY PLAY THIS TRASH SERVER, DONT LOST YOUR TIME!
  20. Hello, ic +6 tlm heavt +6 set dc, am and much more items weapons s grade +6 x6 with nice augments tts set +6 orfen +6 main lv 80, subs lv 80 nobles status and of thing, only contact me!
  21. paradise
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