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About soulbreaker

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    Information is power

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  1. in Oly they are almost immortal but outside they are ok
  2. I love the rates and everything else of this server but... with pain in my heart i wont join because of the free domain.
  3. This server looks good, but.... when I try to login I get an error "Gameguard Update is canceled....." when I delete the "nprotect.lineage2.com" line I can login but it say's "Haking tools has been discovered" I reupdated the Gameguard and reupdated the System folder but nothing works. offtopic @pkmicrochip: Dude stop spamming, in every new topic of a server you say the same "Good luck bla bla"
  4. Hmmm he did not made this he just downloadit and and recode few text, i am a webdeveloper and i know this not his work if you want proof that this download from google just pm.
  5. Its Home made server i know this guy after 2 or 3 weeks server well close ;)
  6. The real question is can we put in an ID of the augment so it stops when we get that augment?
  7. There is no balance the admins dont know the word "Balance", 1 day they add more hp at the fighter , Next day they add more crits rate then they increase the p def of the mages. bull shit server believe
  8. If you need a webdeveloper you can pm : Sheath Regards
  9. I am using the Interlude version I can normally log into the server but the bot gets no information, it don't see any NPC , MOBS or Players.
  10. Guy Don't argue with sensei he just want to make posts don't you see that pff pathetic
  11. Password: www.maxcheaters.com Please read the post then reply ;)
  12. LOL no it is also for private servers
  13. I started to play this game since I saw a friend of mine playin it. I always try to be the best in everything, and also with this game thats what keeps me playing to be the best in pvp because thats what is all about PVP. Why poeple want to farm or lvl because they want to fight or be strong in a fight. It gives me a kick when I am pvping so everythime I start a new private server I want to be full geared to feel the kick again. And after all it has a nice game play AND ALSO NICE GRAPHICS ( WoW Sux).
  14. BTW guys what record program can I use to record my desktop and L2...?
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