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About extasie80

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hello I've been looking on maxcheater for my I can't find what interests me . I'm looking for a reward pvp to reward players (with an anti feed) I use the latest l2J version
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extasie80 replied to Celestine's topic in Client Development Discussion
can you share the patch? -
Good evening, I'm looking for a code to reward players every hour I use a version of L2j I'm looking for a free code
extasie80 changed their profile photo
I share my code after nothing prevents people from modifying it especially since it is a very easy coding so even a newbie can do it
### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0 #P L2J_DataPack Index: dist/game/data/scripts/custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.java =================================================================== --- dist/game/data/scripts/custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.java (revision 0) +++ dist/game/data/scripts/custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.java (working copy) package custom.QuizEvent; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Broadcast; import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd; /** * * @author Bellatrix * */ public class QuizEvent { public static boolean _quizRunning; private static String _question; private static String _answer1; private static String _answer2; private static String _answer3; private static int _rightanswer; private static Map<L2PcInstance,Integer> _players; private static int status; private static int announced; private static ThreadPoolManager tpm; private static AutoEventTask task; private static String[][] _questions; private static int i = 0; private static final int STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS = 0; private static final int STATUS_ASK = 1; private static final int STATUS_ANSWER = 2; private static final int STATUS_END = 3; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------ CONFIG -------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Number of questions per event private static int _questionNumber = 3; //The Item ID of the reward private static int _rewardID = 57; //The ammount of the reward private static int _rewardCount = 1000; //Wait for the first event after the server start (in seconds) private static int _initWait = 3600; //Time for answer the question (in seconds) private static int _answerTime = 60; //Time between two event (in seconds) private static int _betweenTime = 18000; public QuizEvent() { tpm = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance(); status = STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; task = new AutoEventTask(); announced = 0; _quizRunning = false; _question = ""; _answer1 = ""; _answer2 = ""; _answer3 = ""; _rightanswer = 0; _players = new HashMap<>(100); _questions = new String[20][]; includeQuestions(); tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, _initWait*1000); } private void includeQuestions() { File questionFile = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "data/scripts/custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.xml"); Document doc = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setIgnoringComments(true); dbf.setValidating(false); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = db.parse(questionFile); for (Node root = doc.getFirstChild(); root != null; root = root.getNextSibling()) { if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(root.getNodeName())) { for (Node child = root.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) { if ("question".equalsIgnoreCase(child.getNodeName())) { int id, correct; String ask, answer1, answer2, answer3; NamedNodeMap attrs = child.getAttributes(); id = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue()); correct = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("correct").getNodeValue()); ask = attrs.getNamedItem("ask").getNodeValue(); answer1 = attrs.getNamedItem("answer1").getNodeValue(); answer2 = attrs.getNamedItem("answer2").getNodeValue(); answer3 = attrs.getNamedItem("answer3").getNodeValue(); _questions[id] = new String[]{ ask, answer1, answer2, answer3, ""+correct }; i++; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } private class AutoEventTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { switch (status) { case STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS: announceStart(); break; case STATUS_ASK: if (announced < _questionNumber) { announceQuestion(); } else { status = STATUS_END; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, 3000); } break; case STATUS_ANSWER: announceCorrect(); break; case STATUS_END: endEvent(); break; default: break; } } } //Get a random question from the quiz_event table private static void selectQuestion() { int id = Rnd.get(i)+1; _question = _questions[id][0]; _answer1 = _questions[id][1]; _answer2 = _questions[id][2]; _answer3 = _questions[id][3]; _rightanswer = Integer.parseInt(""+_questions[id][4]); } //Announce the question private static void announceQuestion() { selectQuestion(); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("-----------------"); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("Question: "+_question); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("-----------------"); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("1: "+_answer1); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("2: "+_answer2); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("3: "+_answer3); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("-----------------"); status = STATUS_ANSWER; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, _answerTime*1000); } //Announce the correct answer private static void announceCorrect() { Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("-----------------"); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("The correct answer was: "+_rightanswer); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("-----------------"); announced++; giveReward(); status = STATUS_ASK; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, 5000); } private static void announceStart() { _quizRunning = true; _players.clear(); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("Quiz Event begins! "+_questionNumber+" questions. "+_answerTime+" secs for answer each. "); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("Type . and the number of the correct answer to the chat. (Like: .1)"); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("Get Ready!"); status = STATUS_ASK; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, 5000); } //Add a player and its answer public static void setAnswer(L2PcInstance player, int answer) { if( _players.containsKey(player) ) player.sendMessage("You already choosen an aswer!: "+_players.get(player)); else _players.put(player, answer); } private static void endEvent() { _quizRunning = false; Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers("The Quiz Event is over!"); announced = 0; status = STATUS_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; tpm.scheduleGeneral(task, _betweenTime*1000); } private static void giveReward() { for( L2PcInstance p: _players.keySet()) { if(_players.get(p) == _rightanswer) { p.sendMessage("Your answer was correct!"); p.addItem("Quiz", _rewardID, _rewardCount, p, true); } else { p.sendMessage("Your answer was not correct!"); } } _players.clear(); } } \ No newline at end of file Index: dist/game/data/scripts/Custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.xml =================================================================== --- dist/game/data/scripts/custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.xml (revision 8768) +++ dist/game/data/scripts/custom/QuizEvent/QuizEvent.xml (working copy) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <question id = "1" ask = "Quel type Bijoux Drop Baium" answer1 = "Necklace" answer2 = "Ring" answer3 = "Earring" correct = "2" /> <question id = "2" ask = "Comment s'appel l'admin" answer1 = "Bellatrix" answer2 = "Roberta" answer3 = "Jo" correct = "1" /> <question id = "3" ask = "Quel Recompense donne le tvt" answer1 = "Codex" answer2 = "Coin" answer3 = "EventCoin" correct = "3" /> </list> Index: dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/voicedcommandhandlers/Quiz.java =================================================================== --- dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/voicedcommandhandlers/Quiz.java (revision 0) +++ dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/voicedcommandhandlers/Quiz.java (working copy) package handlers.voicedcommandhandlers; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import custom.QuizEvent.QuizEvent; /** * @author Bellatrix */ public class Quiz implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] _voicedCommands = { "quiz", "1", "2", "3" }; /** * @see Bellatrix */ @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String params) { if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("1") && QuizEvent._quizRunning) { QuizEvent.setAnswer(activeChar, 1); } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("2") && QuizEvent._quizRunning) { QuizEvent.setAnswer(activeChar, 2); } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("3") && QuizEvent._quizRunning) { QuizEvent.setAnswer(activeChar, 3); } return true; } /** * @see Bellatrix */ @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { new QuizEvent(); return _voicedCommands; } } Index: dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/MasterHandlers.java =================================================================== --- dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/MasterHandlerjava (revision 0) +++ dist/game/data/scripts/handlers/Masterhandlers.java (working copy) import handlers.voicedcommandhandlers.Quiz; private static final Class<?>[] VOICED_COMMAND_HANDLERS = { StatsVCmd.class, // TODO: Add configuration options for this voiced commands: // CastleVCmd.class, // SetVCmd.class, (Config.L2JMOD_ALLOW_WEDDING ? Wedding.class : null), (Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ENABLED ? Banking.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_CHAT_ADMIN ? ChatAdmin.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_MULTILANG_ENABLE && Config.L2JMOD_MULTILANG_VOICED_ALLOW ? Lang.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_ENABLE_ONLINE_STATUS ? OnlineStatus.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_DEBUG_VOICE_COMMAND ? Debug.class : null), (Config.L2JMOD_ALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD ? ChangePassword.class : null), Quiz.class,
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- 2
the command gives the information of the target like this
add me discord Zetsu#9430
not for interlude, are you still interested?
I have the l2day my adapted for interlude
Guide Creating Effects And Attaching It To A Npc
extasie80 replied to GLO's topic in Client Development Discussion
good tuto -
It doesn't matter as long as it works.