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Everything posted by Bell

  1. Just BD and SWS left. I'm willing to let them both go for 100 Eur.
  2. Prophet account sold. The other ones are still for sale. Thanks.
  3. Still for sale. Updated Prices.
  4. Still for sale. Pretty cheap too.
  5. Hello, I'm selling the following accounts on L2 Classic Club server: Swordsinger lvl 55 + Name Change ready (10 Euro loaded on account) + can be with items (Doom Heavy+ Eminence+6 +B Jewels) (70 Eur) or no items (40 Eur) - No Email Access! Bladedancer lvl 54 + can be with items (BW Heavy+ Dual*SLS + B Jewels)(80 Eur) or no items (40 Eur) - Has Email Access! Prophet lvl 53 + Full C Karmian (basically buff bot) (30 Eur) - No Email Access! Shillien Elder lvl 52 + no items (25 Eur) - No Email Access! All accounts are in great standing. No longer used for a good while. And all on different accounts. Full package for 100 Eur (SWS and BD plus items). PM me with offers or if interested.
  6. You sell them naked? PM me your best price.
  7. Why not post prices?
  8. PM me prices.
  9. Send me a pm with prices. Thanks~
  10. Ridiculous prices for characters on Classic Club. It's a private server, 3x, and they have the same prices as Skelth lol. Good luck!
  11. Give me a message with SE details and best price.
  12. Hi, please give me some info (name and gender) and prices for all your characters on PM please. Thanks~
  13. Hello, is the Soultaker male or female? What about the price and name? Same question about the SE.
  14. I can vouch for your service if you have time for 2-3 free games. I'm on Gold II rating, which should be enough to prove your boosting skill. If you're interested add me on skype: yamivegeta Good luck ;)
  15. I'm here to vouch for him. We agreed I'd vouch for him if he'd win 3 games for me. And even thou he lost the 3rd one because of retards (was spectating, painful team-mates) he won 2 more after, and raised me 70 LP on Gold III rating. Definitely recommend him. Nice, honest and persistent :) Also the pics for proof:
  16. New Yugioh Online 3 is free to play :D
  17. Will try it when it updates to Gracia Final. Too lazy to download 2.2 >_> ..
  18. Can't they be made like that by default? Without having to modify the patch ourselves >.> You just need to find a nicer texture for them, that lava one burns the eyes >_<...
  19. One thing I hate about this server are the custom armors =). They are very ugly =p. Other than that it's a pretty nice server. Join, it's worth it =P.
  20. Hi, Is there a way to dual box on BakeIce servers without being noticed (IP) ? If someone knows this, It'd be appreciated xD.
  21. Lineage 2. Needs no more comments :>
  22. Well it's a C4Off server. If i login normaly, it doesn't show my char name in the panel, nor the l2.exe client. But you can see packets sent and recevied by the server, in the Viewing window. And the scripts arent working either =X.
  23. Well I've tried replacing the nwindow.dll with another one, from another server, and it detects the client as usual, its ok, but it doesn't pass the login screen... ><
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