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About maluco

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  1. lf da 40+ lv (classic.club 3x talking island) Fulete#8941
  2. hello. trying to check classic server online players with l2net. but i cant to check,error crash.
  3. maluco

    classic L2Saga

    www.L2Saga.com New Remastered x10 Classic - Secret of Empire server ?Grand Opening -> 1st of November 2019 ➡ ?First 100% anti bot server ( constant bot hunters that will punish all bot users ) ?Expecting over 5000 real online players We promise a long-term server ( minimum 1 year uptime ) with constant updates and development! We are expecting over 5000 real online players! Features: EXP/SP 10X ADENA 10x DROP 2X SPOIL 2X RB drop - 2x Safe enchant +3 enchant chance - 55% Max enchant +16 enchant improved chance - 55% Free class transfer, GM shop up to C grade, Global GK Maximum Clients per computer: 2 Raids retail respawn time pvp zone ( if you hit raids you get flagged ) Auto Loot for items from monsters & and manual pickup for raid bosses Olympiad Period every 1 week, new heroes every Sunday ( Olympiad Starts 14th of November ) Olympiad matches take places from Thursday to Saturday, 3 days a week Sieges every Sunday ( First Sieges on 10th of November ) Manual Learn skills ( you can buy books from gm shop for 2nd class ) 2 hour buffs free buffs from ALT+B Auto events every one hour ( Korean Style, Last Survivor and Team Vs Team ) 24 buff slots (+4 divine inspiration) and 12 dance and songs slots Olympiad max enchant : no limit
  4. Lineage2 CLassic 2.9 50x Server 11.10.2019 19:00 Classic 2.9 x50 Secret of Empire Website: https://classic-euro.com/ EN Patch: https://forum.classic-euro.com/index.php?/topic/521-english-patch-and-client/ Information: https://forum.classic-euro.com/index.php?/topic/3-classic-zaken-20-seven-signs-x50/ Full implementation of chronicles Zaken + Seven Signs The administration does not participate in the game process, all policies and relationships are built only between the players within the game; Buffer - in Alt B (except for some buffs) Ordinary skills learn without books; Donations on the server do not affect the balance of the game (premium account, consumables, decorations, services); Slightly simplified start TOP NG weapons at the start of the scrolls and so on; Starting the Olympiad from the start, issuing heroism on the 1st and 15th. Fights every day from 18:00 to 00:00; __________________________ EXP\SP x50 Adena x100-30 Drop x3; RaidBoss EXP x2(Drop x3) Spoil x2 (Кол-во x3); Quest x1-x3 (QuestDrop x3); ___________________________
  5. when remorse started the website online was 4k, but real was 390. so now the same situation with pandora? :D becouse again 4k
  6. can anyone check it with l2net
  7. who can say real online players?
  8. thx for share achylek. logging off
  9. l2lionna classic 15xmj heavy set unsealed,meteor shower othell 8lv hair +con +menaden cloakbracelet of duty 5lvbrooch 2lv , jade lv3agathion braclet lv4toi 3gift 200kk, energy 2, 1x cel shardas, mj phx jew rec,matsu,b grd shit 30euro Mail: malucokuko@gmail.com
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