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Posts posted by snifi

  1. Hey Folks,


    actually this is not my server, but i started playing on it.


    i just think it could need some new people to populate the servers since this project is quite new. like you can read in forums all thre servers low/mid/high rate are on beta status atm, but you can already play on them. a new clientpatch will come out soon indicating the final launch of all three servers.


    server population is mostly german but all other players are welcome. have a look :) www.l2evion.net


    My custom NPCs are not spawning.

    I setup custom NPCs and stuff but they seem not to work.


    1. # Option to save GM spawn only in the custom table.
    2. # Default: False
    3. SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = True
    5. # Default: False
    6. CustomNpcData = True
    8. # Default: False
    9. CustomTeleportTable = True
    11. # Default: False
    12. CustomNpcBufferTables = False
    14. # Default: False
    15. CustomSkillsLoad = True
    17. # Default: False
    18. CustomItemsLoad = False
    20. # Default: False
    21. CustomMultisellLoad = False
    23. # Default: False
    24. CustomBuyListLoad = True


    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. <list xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../xsd/npcs.xsd">
    3.     <npc id="50007" displayId="31324" name="Andromeda" usingServerSideName="true" title="Wedding Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc">
    4.         <collision>
    5.             <radius normal="8" />
    6.             <height normal="23" />
    7.         </collision>
    8.     </npc>
    9.     <npc id="70010" displayId="31606" name="Catrina" usingServerSideName="true" title="TvT Event Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc">
    10.         <collision>
    11.             <radius normal="8" />
    12.             <height normal="15" />
    13.         </collision>
    14.     </npc>
    15.     <npc id="900100" displayId="20432" level="1" name="Elpy" type="L2EventMonster">
    16.         <stats str="40" int="21" dex="30" wit="20" con="43" men="20">
    17.             <vitals hp="40" hpRegen="3" mp="36" mpRegen="1" />
    18.             <attack physical="8" magical="7" />
    19.             <defence physical="25" magical="40" />
    20.         </stats>
    21.         <status undying="false" />
    22.         <collision>
    23.             <radius normal="5" />
    24.             <height normal="4.5" />
    25.         </collision>
    26.     </npc>
    27.     <npc id="900101" displayId="32365" name="Snowden" usingServerSideName="true" title="Event Manager">
    28.         <collision>
    29.             <radius normal="5" />
    30.             <height normal="12.5" />
    31.         </collision>
    32.     </npc>
    33.     <npc id="900102" displayId="13098" level="80" name="Event Treasure Chest" type="L2Monster">
    34.         <stats str="40" int="21" dex="30" wit="20" con="43" men="20">
    35.             <vitals hp="2880" mp="1524" />
    36.             <defence physical="1499" magical="1035.28" />
    37.         </stats>
    38.         <collision>
    39.             <radius normal="8.5" />
    40.             <height normal="8.5" />
    41.         </collision>
    42.     </npc>
    43.     <npc id="900103" displayId="32365" name="Start" usingServerSideName="true" title="Event Manager">
    44.         <collision>
    45.             <radius normal="5" />
    46.             <height normal="12.5" />
    47.         </collision>
    48.     </npc>
    49.         <npc id="100" displayId="31646" name="Server Information" usingServerSideName="true" title="L2Aria" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Merchant">
    50.         <collision>
    51.             <radius normal="8" />
    52.             <height normal="23" />
    53.         </collision>
    54.     </npc>
    55.         </npc>
    56.         <npc id="555" displayId="32226" name="Shiela" usingServerSideName="true" title="Scheme Buffer" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc">
    57.         <collision>
    58.             <radius normal="11" />
    59.             <height normal="22.25" />
    60.         </collision>
    61.     </npc>
    62.     </npc>
    63.         <npc id="36604" displayId="32163" name="Euphemia" usingServerSideName="true" title="Global Gatekeeper" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Teleporter">
    64.         <collision>
    65.             <radius normal="13" />
    66.             <height normal="23.5" />
    67.         </collision>
    68.     </npc>
    69.     </npc>
    70.         <npc id="10002" displayId="30767" name="Lilly" usingServerSideName="true" title="GMShop" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Merchant">
    71.         <collision>
    72.             <radius normal="8" />
    73.             <height normal="22" />
    74.         </collision>
    75.     </npc>
    76.     <npc id="10003" displayId="31740" name="Caradine" usingServerSideName="true" title="Service Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Npc">
    77.         <collision>
    78.             <radius normal="7" />
    79.             <height normal="21.2" />
    80.         </collision>
    81.     </npc>
    82.     <npc id="36600" displayId="13079" name="Simorgh" usingServerSideName="true" title="Augmenter" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Trainer">
    83.         <collision>
    84.             <radius normal="22" />
    85.             <height normal="26" />
    86.         </collision>
    87.     </npc>
    88.     <npc id="36605" displayId="32478" name="Raphael" usingServerSideName="true" title="Warehouse Manager" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2Warehouse">
    89.         <collision>
    90.             <radius normal="10" />
    91.             <height normal="24" />
    92.         </collision>
    93.     </npc>
    94.     <npc id="900104" displayId="32365" name="Finish" usingServerSideName="true" title="Event Manager">
    95.         <collision>
    96.             <radius normal="5" />
    97.             <height normal="12.5" />
    98.         </collision>
    99.     </npc>
    100.     <npc id="1000003" displayId="32226" name="Shiela" usingServerSideName="true" title="L2J NPC Buffer" usingServerSideTitle="true" type="L2NpcBuffer">
    101.         <collision>
    102.             <radius normal="11" />
    103.             <height normal="22.25" />
    104.         </collision>
    105.     </npc>
    106. </list>


  3. Hey folks!


    I was quite active at client side and dp part. Since im new to core part and java programming i could need some help. I want a clanleaders name to become colored when his clan level reaches lvl 5 - For example his name in green. I know that l2jfree had this kind of name coloring and i liked the idea.


    What/Where do i have to change in order to get this done?


    I repeat. I want a clanleaders name become green if his clan level is 5 or above. can someone help me out?


    would be awesome! :)

  4. i have every client (except early alpha / early beta prelude and harmony [russian only]) up to infinite odyssey. dunno if i have the time to upload it for u. u can try and search on rutracker.org. i guess they ll have the na client htat u are searching.


    u can try there first :)


    PS: can anyone provide a link to a NA harmony client?

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