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Posts posted by snifi

  1. You only need to add for the first level of the skill.

    i know. thank you very much! :)))))


    do you know if theres a way to use the old freight warehouse system?? i dont like the mailingsystem...i want the old freight system back - in addition i want to use the regular mailingsystem with one small change (you need special consume items to send a letter including items^^). but i need the regular freight system back first :)

  2. It's one in the siege day. You can reg Saturday && Sunday. It's pathetic to register in one day like for 2-3 castles .. :P


    Anyway, when you try to reg for 2nd castle, you prolly get some msg 'you cant blabla'. So, use search @ eclipse and type that msg, you will find where the check is. Probably Siege.java or something similar.




    frozen should work fine.

  3. go look up some grand boss scripts. they use camera movement actions too. to get your movie running you have to start the script on enterworld.....the way you do this lies in your hands. you can solve it with a onetime quest script. but like i said ...its a lot of work if u want something special ^^

  4. Anyone interested in german language system files? I can provide some screenshots later on. I just want to know if its interesting for you guys since its not easy to translate everything and its connected to hard work. :)


    translated files i have: interlude, hi5, god and tauti  ( i guess. ill provide more infomation soon :P )




    here you can see some h5 screens with translated system menue, items, skills, quests, npc strings, infos, npc names and more!




    more images:

  5. wrong section..... also why do you tag ur topic as a share???


    just have a look on some russian sites. there you will see how tho patch some dll and exe files to remove gg and fileprotection on startup. optional you can use l2encdec software. it will patch your system automaticly (except gg i think)

  6. Also, maybe take a look at your configs, players.prop or so, maybe you have there a config like we have on interlude

    # Spell book needed to learn skills
    # Default: True
    SpBookNeeded = True

    If no, then probably like kyosume said. No idea, never used above chronicle than Int :)

    yap i know that too. but this option is for forgotten scrolls i think. :)


    Thanks for the answers. I'll try that later :D :D

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