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Posts posted by snifi

  1. Hey cheaters,


    i have downloaded both, the actual korean Infinite Odyssey and Lineage 2 Classic Client. Both come with InstallShieldWizard. The Problem is that i get stuck when trying to install one of them. The InstallShield starts up with ????LÄ%2???! ?????!? Message. InstallWiz loads and then just stops without a message. :o


    I have the latest NetFramework on my Win 7 machine and also the Windows Korean Language Pack (dunno why installshield still shows ???! LÄ%2! ??? when loading :/). Did I forget something? Does anybody have a clue?

  2. Hey cheaters,


    is it possible to add something like this to lineage?




    It's an halo infection form :P I mean...i know its possible but this one is already an unreal model and fully textured with animation (ut2004). I'm new to importing models so i cant know how much time it needs to do this ^^

  3. yes i saw one....but i cant share this at the moment.....you can search urself just go google averia h5 l2 and downloa their client....open dev mode and browse custom items.....there you will find a cloak similar to this one. pls be kind and share that one here if u find it :D


    ps: but i think they got it branded by putting a logo of theirs onto the transparent wing thingys, so some texture editing is required....u'll se i guess :)

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