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Posts posted by snifi

  1. Ahmm... I found something!! :)  I ll post it in here so everyone else searching for that stuff can see it, too.


    All effects are local. You are the only one able to see them!


    Dev-Client Commands:

    ///l2debugwindow - console
    ///l2debug - shows some Infos
    ///geodata - not tested. some geodata function. try placing ur geodata files into systemfolder
    ///buildzone map=[map_name] like the one above just for a complete zone
    ///showborderline - shows borders
    ///showsectors - shows map sectors
    ///camerawalking mode=on|off - you can fly around (you char is still at the position you entered flight mode)
    ///c_rmode [1-7] - Toggle some display modes
    ///bighead size=[1-n] - you know what that means ;D

    ///fly - your char gets slapped right in da face!

    ///hero - your char starts shining like a hero
    ///open [map name] - opens a map
    ///get [class_name] [attrib_name]
    ///set [class_name] [attrib_name]
    ///editdefault class=[class_name]
    ///stat l2 - information about char position, map,...etc...
    ///stat fps - aaahhm... yes :)

  2. No help for me? :(


    I know there are language related rows in core.int and localization.ini. I changed them but with no result. The Dropdown Menu ingame won't list additional languages such as German, Russian. The only one I can choose is English itself.


    ....soooo i'm stuck at this point. :(


    I'm also willing to share my Hi5 language files for German language...if somebody is interested...But first of all i have to solve my problem... :)

  3. Hey Everyone,


    is it possible to get the new GOD maps working with the hi5 client? Everytime i try to copy them i m getting an critical error when starting the game (even without textures and meshes)


    the other way around...copy old maps to GOD still works.


    Is there a solution for this problem?


    here is an example....GOD Ertheia client with old interlude map:




    and heres the error....Hi5 client with GOD map:



  4. Hello guys,


    i know theres a way to have two or more languages available so you can choose in settings menu the language you want.


    what do i have to do to be able to select the language ingame (for example -e, -ru, -de). Language files are fully functional the only thing i need is the option to select them ingame.


    Can someone help me solving this problem please? :)

  5. Did anyone succeed on dat encryptation? No matter what file edit I use, it doesn't work. L2Asm direct use doesn't work either, it gives always this output: Field 'face_mesh' has no soft limit but is cntby.


    Yes you are right. The ddf files in ur l2fileedid dont support face position 3 and 4. you have to set them manually or u will get an error while crypting ur file. ;)

  6. go to armorgrp.dat


    search for the formal wear entry


    change all the formal wear entries to ur nude files....you have to change meshes and texturefiles for every race.


    just have a look into armnorgrp / formal wear..... you will see what i mean! ;)

  7. So copy paste didnt work? I mean ...there should be no rework between interlude and kamael ...such as hi5 to god where a new skybox was added and therefore copy paste wasnt possible anymore^^


    to test you can copy the "real" kamael village map (without animations, textures, etc .....map file only) into your interlude map folder. maybe change the position so it will fit in older map radius. then take your wyvern and try to fly to the map part you changed into kamael village. If the game crashes...then theres no copy paste possible. if not....have a try and get the animations, meshes and textures step by step! ;)


    to see what files you need...just open yout kamael client ...go to kamael village ...go in window mode....open your kamael game folder....and start deleting texturefiles, meshes, animations etc.....you are not able to delete the files you need...cos all kamael texture files, animations and meshes that you need will have a pop up..... such as "file in use. cant delete" or something like that. if u have finished ur deleting work. just copy paste the animations, meshes and textures in your interlude folder.


    thats the way how to do (like a noob^^)


    btw: if file crypting was changed from interlude to kamael...then file copy paste is not possible ;)

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