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Posts posted by snifi

  1. show proofs of what you are saying, project isnt dead, we currently working in new stuff




    you got 24 hours to show me proofs of what you saying otherwise you will get banned.



    Well...smart guy.... You know what the word "seems" mean? I didn't say that your project is dead. I said that there are nearly no big updates for a couple of weeks/months now.


    And you tell me that i am going to be banned? serious dude? how lame are you? shame on you!


    As you see wyatt is the only one who gave a nice statement and he also explayned why the project had some problems. i totally understand this. but you are trying to get me banned for no reason? and you are asking me to tell you who gave me this information? So they will be banned too, or what? i will not tell you! ;)


    one member told me that she/he got blocked in skype cos he/she asked for a new build (subscription not expired). so if this is not true why would he or she write this to me? so if you want to earn some money try to give a better support...... something else then banning/blocking ;) just a suggestion dude ;)

  2. Seems that the project is quite dead right now. no serious updates....just typing in some shits xD


    Also the support seems to be really bad. i asked some ppl and most of them are not satisfied.


    example 1 month support+builds:

    people try to get a new build....cant reach admins for weeks.....1 month support expired and you wont get any updates even if you asked weeks before.


    if you need some scripts for quests go get them out of the shared compiled version ;)

  3. Why do people say that this piece of shit looks cool? It doesn't fit into Lineage 2 anyway? It looks like crap....too biig, to exaggerated!


    Dont take it wrong! It's nice that you try to adapt other things to L2, but try beeing serious ^^


    BTW: The only one of the above that could be used for events is that WoW-Guy .... rest = crapshit for 14yo ones :P

  4. Dudes! Seriously? Are there so many retarded people that buy your shit for this amount of money xD?? Guess there are idiots who buy things like that. ^^


    And LightFusion..... relax... theres nothing like "oh tahts my ideaZ " on the net!! :P


    Back 2 Topic:


    I like this new marketplace! looks really nice!!! :)


    but i miss the good old giran statue ;(

  5. Hey guys,


    i wonder how many login screens hi5 really had? three? i know the one for 7th anniversary and the blood rain(living and dead tree) login screen.


    i need this one:

    Lineage2 High Five Part 4-2 Login Screen


    this is the last missing login screen :) can someone share this one please? i need it for my lobbychanger tool  http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246249.0 (this is v1.1 and its for interlude only)....i will share the new one later. it will be for interlude, freya and hi5 :)

  6. I found some files of my canceled projects and i want to know your opinion about this, because i don'T really know why the f**k i trashed this one! xD


    So this is about Kamael Underwear/Swimsuit. This one seems to be nearly finished...just need better textures for the legs. I couldn't find the male Kamael files...i thik i trashed them completely......


    So heres the FKamael Swimsuit/ Underwear. What do you think? Should i complete it and do the same for MKamael?



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