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Benman last won the day on August 28 2018

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About Benman

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  1. Καλησπερα. Ψαχνω καποιον που να μπορει να μου κανει 2 συγκεκριμενα σχεδια ( θα του δειξω παραδειγμα ) για να το δωσω σε μαγαζι να μου το κανει αυτοκολλητο για να κολλησει επανω σε πλαστικο. Εννοειται πως θα ειναι με το αζημιωτο. Ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων.
  2. Items have beed sold. Thank you. You can lock it.
  3. I sell them due lack of time and all together and not one by one. I havent played much time so dont expect crazy items. ----------------------------- 2 judicators: Lv 85 2 Cardinals: Lv 85 5kkk adena Earring of Zaken 60 Festival Adena Vesper Jewellery Set ------------------------------ Materials and Crystals (for Lv 7) ------------------------------ For more information dont hesitate to contact with me.
  4. .dressme system is subjective. I dont like it. I am against it.
  5. It died before it was born. :-P
  6. Yes small and useful as i told. Its something different. Thanks melron :)
  7. Thank you too both!
  8. .7rb This command shows you up which Raid Bosses you have killed in Dragon Valley Area and which you haven't. The quest is called ''Legendary Tales'' .It looks like the pictures below. Tested and Working L2j High Five Chronicle!
  9. Ok thank you. Its better with that way.
  10. .makeaa / .aa These commands convert all your seal stones ( green, red, blue ) in Ancient Adena. Nothing special at all, but it might be useful for someone. Tested and working in L2J High Five Chronicle.
  11. Shares V Interface Full Functions Cracked Iordanov Interface Version 3.6.9 (Interlude Only) Custom Interlude - C6 Interface (The ultimate collection) Customized Clicks NEW (Chronicle Intelrude) Interlude & High Five Costume Packs Interface Hi5 [Interlude] Skill's Harmony: Wizard, Warrior and Knight Community Board Server+Client V Interface For Server Owners (Unique) L2Dorn Community Board H5 Skills for the chronicle of GF EP HF (11018-11022). LINEAGE II - FAFURION Improved Skills for Interlude Improved Chronicle 1 Login Screen for C1 - H5 [C4] Party Buff Window Improvement Skill for C4: Embroider, Encase Armor, Hard Tanning, Bowstring, Spike, Sharpen Edg Iordanov's Interface Version 3.6.10 New Modifications [Updated] Intelrude Interface Auto Pots / New Inventory / Class Icons . Custom New Skill For Interlude New Effects for C4 and Interlude Raid Boss with effect Decompiled Effects from all chronicles Special Clicks Interlude Mod abnormal effect Interlude Skill H5 Mods Hero visual mod effect [Interlude] Special Clan Clicks Interlude Ant Queen Rideable [Updated] Adapting HB skeleton effect for IT Strider from L2 Revolution [Interlude] New aura for heroes - Interlude and C4 Client Interlude Edit Iordanov & Neophron Armors Elite Elegia Set - H5 and IL School Uniform for Interlude Gold Armor Tauti Set for any Chronicle Valentine's Day Cap (Accessory) Valkyrie Costume Weapons Lindvior with effects for C4 Insane Weapons Kelbim for Hi5 Valakas Weapon with effects for C4 Valakas Retributer with effect for C4 Sword and Dagger for IL and Hi5 Fafurion weapons for IL and Hi5 Weapon Fafurion with effects LvL 3 for IL 파푸리온 Fafurion for C4 and IL NPC Fafurion Boss [IL] Darion for C4 Ert GuildMaster with effects for IL NPC with HTML both [UNIQUE] Daji from Smite (without sound) for IL Tears with effects, sounds and weapons for IL Kanna with effects for C4 and IL Gatekeeper with effect for IL Lindvior with effects and sounds for IL 3 Custom NPCs for Interlude For any GUIDE you want to read you can check topics which are already pinned in first page or request one here. For any TOOL you want to request you can start a new topic here too. Before starting a new topic be sure that you have used search button and read the section's rules.
  12. Website and forum dont work. It says beta 12/8. What is going on here?
  13. I didnt say anything like that :)
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