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About cronos93

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  1. ajuda! instalar tudo, mas no momento de entrar no servidor só vai para a tela onde dá os termos e na auth eu recebo o erro de verificação de erro do servidor da tabela lin2db!
  2. ALguien me puede ayudar y ver donde esta mi error? no puedo poner el skills cov en el npc del hall! skill data skill_begin skill_name = [s_chant_of_victory_se] /* [마이트] */ skill_id = 5113 level = 1 operate_type = A2 magic_level = 85 effect = {{p_physical_attack;{all};15;per}} is_magic = 1 mp_consume1 = 7 mp_consume2 = 28 cast_range = 400 effective_range = 900 skill_hit_time = 4 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0.5 reuse_delay = 6 activate_rate = -1 lv_bonus_rate = 0 basic_property = none abnormal_time = 3600 abnormal_lv = 3 abnormal_type = pa_up attribute = attr_none effect_point = 669 target_type = target affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none debuff = 0 ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end skill pch [s_chant_of_victory_se] = 273538 skill pch2 273538 400 0 35 1 379 29 0 3 4 2 1 -12345 html <a action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-208&reply=273538"><font color="LEVEL">Cov</font></a><br1>
  3. Hola buenas tardes, ando queriendo poner buff de 3era class en el npc de los halles y en un buffer! los buff pow pof pow funcionan pero cov renewal siren champions no se puede! si alguien sabe o tiene idea como acomodarlo! sino alguien que ya lo tenga armado, se lo compraria, desde ya muchas gracias. [s_chant_of_victory1] = 348929 skillpch action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-201&reply=348929 ">Cov<
  4. hola, buenos dias yo quiero agregar cov gatito y pony y no me deja, uso el id del skillpch en la html y no lo tira!
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