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  1. Nice touch, been looking for something like this for a long time, however there are few things that needs a bit of rework... 1. The skillbars texture is not applying when you deploy the 4th and 5th bar. 2. The target layout for some reason is transparent which might lead to a bit of confusion onto the heat of pvp. 3. The options icons at the botton right of the screen seems to not be like the picture you've uploaded. It might aswell be myself making some mistake when setting the interface, but i doubt it. i'd appreciate a reply to this issue...
  2. Is there anyway to reduce the size from name/titles fonts used by the game?, i've seen when ppl play at higher resolutions such as 2k or 4k the letters looks smaller and more pleasing to the eye, is there any chance to reduce it's size while playing at 1080p?, if i'd have to pick a guess, i'd say l2font-e.utx is related to this but i've no idea how to edit it, if it's possible can anyone edit 1 so i can test it?
  3. You know what could be a good feature never seen before, full interface size adjustment, including, party layout, skill bars, exp bar at the botton, target, user layout, just everything, to make it smaller...
  4. Could you tell me which files are responsible for the classics numbers poping up on screen? and what should i do to use it in a clean interface (retail like)?
  5. My request is for personal use (not server hosting project), so i don't see how this work would be wasted, i've also seen people create tons of animations and customize them in minutes, it shouldn't be hard at all if you have the knowledge, that's why i'm asking here...
  6. Hi there, i'm looking for someone who knows how to edit the animations from Skill.usk, i've seen many players like to use the "Renewal/Champion song animation" to replace bishop's "major group heals", but i noticed this one takes away a big chunk of screen if there are many bps spamming it, even more in close areas where you can't increase the camera view distance due having a roof on top (zaken halls, queen ant cave, etc), so i was wondering if it would be possible to edit that specific animation (renewal/champion song) and just leave the light beam, taking off the bulky animation in the middle, that being the crystal and spiral stacking over and over and making impossible to see what's beneath them... If someone is willing to do it i'd gladly provide the skill.usk to be modified. EDIT: it would be used in INTERLUDE client btw...
  7. Yea, im sitting at very high fps aswell, that's what i meant, i've tried to explain that even at very high fps the camera movement seems odd, not as smooth as other interfaces... Regarding this interface, would you be posting the version with the auto buff-pots in the future?. Thx for your reply btw...
  8. Is there any reason why this interface and elfen's v5 seems to run a lot more smooth than your interface Iordanov?, i mean your interface has excellent features but seems to work not that good, i mean even at very high fps i can feel this one working a lot better, idk how to explain it, but just seem more smooth when you move the camera, and also at massive pvps... Edit: you're missing the auto buff potion in this interface, that's a major feature...
  9. Could you make a lineageeffect using this effect as abnormal for targets affected by curse disease? i think it could be very good for bp's multitasking outside their own parties... Btw excellent job with the mod abnormal effects, the only thing i might have problems with, is the size from the root animation, as when in mass pvps and overlords start spamming that spell, you'll most likely see the entire floor covered by giant red webs, could it be possible to donwsize the effect a bit?
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