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  1. i don't know if it's top 1 server but is not bad. online very promising and good. curruption not detected and donates are fair to play there, cause no armors,weapons on donate atm
  2. you mean bad server which is using the same files with 90% of the servers or 95% similar files. also luna Aka saga failed already 2 times in 2k17. next fail is luna :) i prefer saga than mouse serbers though ,specially with these new java bugged files :) but luna will be failed hard,like 1 week server or something
  3. imo is not right to delete any kind of posts, specialy in a forum that we discuss about server. obviously mouse/brazon were crying to celestine so he just deleted them. not a big deal cause we can discuss about era, or any server, to other topics :D btw, so many Qa on l2 era, don't you think guys? specialy when ony remedy clan farming qa since the start of the server :troll: 24 days server - only remedy farming qa, i see 10 qa here so remedy sold all qa they dropped or qa died 24 times but ring dropped 25 time with 100% success :you serious?:
  4. Everyone supporting his friend's server and etc in this post. In my opinion cause i tried 4 servers in past month,this OVC guys obviously spamming in other server post cause he failed his project.faction server raped from tales which is semi-faction server,sad but true. Era ppl that spamming about era and they are glad to play in a server with corrupted gm team ,free items and donation coins to cps and clans just to join their server,fake votes on hopzone,fake online (OMG this 17k is so funny)and donations on oly points (OMG x2),but this era has good online cause of this tactic.the problem for era guys is, tales without donations on weapons,armors and etc,without andrenaline or robi botters, or ppl to sell adena, seems has less ppl,but not a big difference.if tales has 1k online era should have around 1,2k more or less.unfortunately,for era the end is near, cause server is already at maximum.ppl cannot stay in a server with full donations ,like tales had before, and specially when this era is so corrupted. So imo i think tales will be online for long time, i am online for few hours per day and i see lots of activities from gms, lots of new ppl join every day.promising project, and only because server has no donations, players may respect that,and really helpful gms.Ever i had problems or questions about something,i just pm or go to this twitch.tv and ask something, they are always responding.i guess era players will jump soon to tales, if they want a fair gameplay. I wasn't fan of tales but at this moment tales looks like the best mid server out there.
  5. 50% of your trashtalk doesn't make any sense. everyone knows micutzu.you are mouse's boyfriend or something like that. you are trying to defend era in fakin totaly wrong way ,cause everyone knows that corruption and you asking the community to ASK l2era gm's what really happend? :troll: both of you etiam and micutzu got bonus points from gms.1 gm defends you and the other one ,etiam so they gave points to both of you guys. the problem is not yours or etiam, cause both of you getting something (armors,weapons,oly points and etc) from currupted gms. the problem is, on that era community.how ppl can still play in this corrupted server. :you serious?: btw etiam is better than you as i see,you don't deserve any hero :D
  6. Players like him, prefer to see fake online 17k,and afk bots in every town.in their minds looks like the server is full like this :P they don't like to see online like 2500 real and 200 ppl in aden for example. too low for them :D But i think it is because they cannot think logical, they "believe" that still exist server with 17k real online and etc Not even in BNS you cannot find 5k real on a server
  7. They don't use vote sites for voting reward, but facebook :troll: since era/destiny/lionna/rise using ONLY hopzone for votes cause they get unlimited votes from hopzone to be always at the 1st rank :dat:
  8. Are you blind or what? :D ofc you can log with andrenaline in dat serber but only with 1 char.useless bot if only 1 char
  9. true, didn't notice that. no masterwork,attribute and enchant on donation. is there any chance for this serber to be alive for longer than 1 month?
  10. I didn't expect that actually :you serious?: But seems like, this tales server is one of the good server out there. this p2p system didn't work but the fact that they don't sell armors,weapons,op cloaks and belts on dona shop is pretty cool for a private server. Maybe this stalonka trying to get his fame back :dat:
  11. I am still wondering how stupid are some ppl that playing in servers like l2era now or tales 2 years ago with community board online showing 15k and 17k. it 's like, i know you are stupid kiddo, i will put like 20k online and you will still believe that :happyforever: :happyforever:
  12. not true.i don't like this concept with faction shit anyway, but i logged to check the online and looks not bad. 1900-2k on community board with double and triple boxes is not bad instead of 17k online on era with x15 boost on community board :dat:
  13. Or they can close Official better, so everyone will gather to private servers :troll:
  14. Nice one
  15. Kadar hopzone owner https://prnt.sc/fkuat8 Kadar hero on lionna https://prnt.sc/fkub3f
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