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  1. Good day! I offer a modification for the Salvation client (140 protocol): 1) Fishing from HF (need implement packets in server side). 2) TW logic (icons above head and on the map). 3) Enable/Disable auto macros. 4) Fixed item click shift in chat. 5) Fixed NServerItemManager::Clear crash. 6) Removed LCID crash. 7) Copy-paste (editboxes only). Enable/Disable passage through mobs. 9) Switch language (native/English). 10) Enable/Disable client chat blocking. 11) Processing of items in the inventory has been slightly accelerated. 12) Ability to load classic .dat files into the main version and vice versa. 13) Your server’s copyrights in the window header and tooltips. Package: 1) Collected on the basis of folders eu and ru of unified systems under localization e and ru (responsibility for the correctness of the translation and the correctness or absence of any data is not have, it was collected “from what is available”). 2) Compiled Interface.u, NWindow.u. 3) Compiled Extender (covered with a licensed protector + digital signature). 4) Interface.xdat in finished form. 5) Source Interface.u, NWindow.u. 6) Interface.xdat only includes changes. The compiler is not sold. Question-answer: Q: Is the source code included? A: The sources for Interface.u and NWindow.u are included without the compiler. The extender source is not provided and cannot be purchased. Q: Will anything else be added? A: This patch will not be developed further, but upon request and availability of time, I may take on certain tasks. Q: What if I don't need everything, just something specific? A: It is sold as a whole; nobody will be cutting out separate parts. Unnecessary features can be disabled in settings. Q: Is licensing remote? A: No, only copyrights. Q: Can I remove the copyrights? A: No, copyrights cannot be removed. Q: Can I change the copyrights? A: No, I do not change the copyrights. Note: Functionality has been tested only with Active Anticheat, compatibility with other protections, and with AA should be tested BEFORE purchasing. Price: 700$ Contact: Telegram
  2. Good day! I provide services for the modification of the lineage 2 client, what I can / can / practice: 1) Modification of the client interface (I do not work with GFX), work strictly according to the technical task, I take the minimum amount of work from $ 100 1.1) I am not an artist, so any wishes related to textures are drawn either by you yourself, or you hire a person for this separately 1.2) I am not a designer, I can only offer a variant of UI, but no more, it would be preferable to have a layout in technical task 1.3) I provide the sources at my discretion and not for free, the cost of the sources is individual 2) Reverse the client and create the extender, work strictly according to the technical task, I take the minimum from $ 500 2.1) I provide the sources at my discretion and not for free, the cost of the sources is individual The deadlines are set depending on the volume of technical task, if it is urgent and if I understand what I will be able to do in the time you need, then the cost of technical task x2 (for urgency) I take up work only after 100% prepayment Contacts: Telegram
  3. this command clear not all objects from memory... many skill effects for example not clearing with this command
  4. for server owners we are have another solution
  5. Special offer! Until 10.10.20 we give you a 20% discount on the purchase of the interface with any modules!
  6. For all questions, please contact Skype : BadStealth , poshlya4ok666
  7. no, Korean version not supported, need fully rework all interface for supporting this localize
  8. of course, the interlude we have planned for this year, but at the moment we can not even give an approximate date for the release of the first version for interlude
  9. Yes, that's right, is something wrong?
  10. Sell the source code of the project l2.netlink.su there is much necessary, a lot of any custom services, a set of configurations for flexible setup of the server sale strictly to several people (4-5 people) the cost 20000r, writing in the poshlya4ok666 Skype or in a PM on the forum reason for sale - I will write the emulator from scratch
  11. my skype: poshlya4ok666, write me, i can fix it
  12. Administration, please delete this topic, reason: create a new topic - link
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