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Everything posted by czWannabe

  1. LoL guys it isnt quest for pet wolf but for one shitty quest on TI where you can gain low low nograde stuff
  2. Why you dont want let him move?
  3. I posted this link here few weeks ago. :)
  4. what exactly do this antilager program? :O
  5. Amazing site with almos all wallpapers? http://lineage2.free.fr/spip.php?rubrique13
  6. Lol sorry but maybe only on some bugged java server
  7. New Areas will be in Gracia III so you have to wait loong looong time for it.
  8. I like servers with rate aroudn 20, because its still game "like low rate" but the rate is high enought to fast exp, easy drops etc.
  9. ya little bit old, but thx anyway
  10. Sorry, but its ugly :( Maybe its because orchid is too with basic texture very unnice.
  11. From lvl 1- 10 ( or 14 and more) exp at gremlins and keltirs , wolfs.Don't forget to buy soulshot's! uhm wtf, no shots from newbie guide?
  12. amazing share, thx for easy step to step tutorial.
  13. Do you have community server online?
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