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About WhiTeAnGeL*

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  1. Who is this? Maybe start the problem.
  2. need to change it from database. Find the item with ID, and check the square stackable. After that need to find the item from txt file (maybe etcitem.grp) and make this <set name="consume_type" val="stackable" />.
  3. Yeap. my bad.
  4. Server Succesfully Started! Join Us! Our patch is live! For any problem connection let us know in our forum or in our discord server! Enjoy the game! Website : http://l2different.com/ Forum : https://l2different.com/forum/ Discord : https://discord.gg/anjdPs9 ** ...::::::::::: RATES SERVER :::::::::::... Rate Experience = x300 Rate Adena = x300 Rate Spoil = x1 ...::::::::::: ENCHANT SERVER :::::::::::... Safe Enchant = +3 Max Enchant Weapon = +16 Max Enchant Armor AND Jewels = +16 Scroll Enchant Rate = 65% Blessed Enchant Rate = 75% Mid Lifestone: 5% Rate High Lifestone: 10% Rate Top Lifestone: 15% Rate ...::::::::::: REWARDS & EVENTS :::::::::::... TvT Event = 10 Event Boxes CTF Event = 10 Event Boxes DM Event = 20 Event Boxes Mass Vote Autorewards = (Get 10 Vote Ticket's Every 10 mass votes in Hopzone, Topzone, L2Network) Personal Vote Reward = (Get 25 Vote Ticket per vote every 12h in Hopzone, Topzone, L2Network) After voting type in game .reward to get your reward's! ...::::::::::: SYSTEMS :::::::::::... Olympiad (Every Sunday make new Heroe's) Castle Siege (Every Day 1 castle have siege, weekend 4 castle have siege) Balanced Classes 95% Buffer NPC (Resist's Not Inlcuded) GMSHOP Noblesse Manager (Need 5 Raid Boss to be noble) Gatekeeper deposit / .withdraw (or use the custom skills Adena, Gold Bar to make your transaction's) 1 Passive - 1 Active Skills (For Better balance) Item that make your character AIO buffer (you can't go out of town with AIO Buffers)) Item that make your clan LvL 8 and give's you all clan skills) Item that give's you 10.000 Clan reputation Point's) PvP Color Name ...::::::::::: CUSTOM ITEM :::::::::::... Hero Coin (Keep 24h Hero Aura and Skills in base class) Noblesse Coin (You can get it with vote ticket's) Apella - Oath armor's (100% Balanced stats) Raid Bosses Jewels (Dropped only from raid bosses) RaidBosses (in Farm Zones) PvP Loot Bag (Get it in PvP Zone!) Event Items Vote Ticket's Tattoo's for all classes (Acumen - Haste - Wind Walk) Unique accessories ...::::::::::: AREAS DROP :::::::::::... Custom Leveling Zone (Talking Island outside) Custom Farm Zones Mithril Mines - Elven Fortess inside(Farm Coins,Adena) Custom Party Farm Area (Need 5+ Party members to go. Drops Lifestones, Book of giant, Adena) PvP Zones (Every 30min Auto change. After death not lose buffs) Main Town's (Heine - Aden - Giran)
  5. Hello. Its interested this pack. I like it
  6. See the album and after enter in the Big Giveaway for One Razer PAX East 2014 Beast Bundle! http://splur.gy/r/MxMJZ/r/2JTw54xKq2J
  7. Hello guys from sponsor Razer you have chance to win 1)ATI Vapor R9 2)Razer Naga Hex LoL Edition 3)Razer Black WIndow Ultimate 4)Razer Kraken Pro 5)Mousepad League of Legends 6) 1 Set all of them! Go There: http://championoftheday.pgtb.me/NK9CKh?app_data=entry_id%253D44387102
  8. You Have chance to win Siberia Frost Blue Mouse! Just Go There and like some page's: http://tinyurl.com/ny6nldt
  9. Answer 1 simple question every day till Xmas Eve for a chance to win amazing prizes! http://xmas.fnatic.com/r/0ghlUVKfEb Question: Where is the Headquarters Fnatic? Anwser: London Good Luck!!!
  10. Basically the build is this Ezreal Muramana Blade of the Ruined King Ionian Boots of Lucidity Spirit of the Elder Lizard Last Whisper Iceborn Gauntlet Runes can be anything This build gives you 300 AD, about 60 AP, and you get 35% Cooldown Reduction It allows you to spam Q every 0.5 seconds because of Ezreal's Passive. His E is about 7 seconds on CD, and three Q's will put it back and ready. Your Q deals about 400 damage, plus it has a 60% slow. This is the new OP right now. Every Korean ADC is now experimenting with "Blue Ezreal" All his items are blue, and most of them are pretty cheap. He's weak early, but with Frozen Gauntlet and Spirit of the Elder Lizard, you should be able to feel the power of "Blue Ezreal" from then. He can basically kit really well with Furor Enchantments, his E can be used more than 4 times in teamfights, and you can spam ult to keep lanes pushed. How I built him Dorans - Tear of the Goddess - Boots - Gauntlet - Spirit of the Elder Lizard - Finish however you want. Oh and you wanna get Vampiric Sceptor just for the Life Steal If you don't trust me, try this on Custom, playing 'Blue Ezreal' feels like your playing an FPS.
  11. kai sta arxidia tou kai sto mounoxilo tou kai sto poutsoklanidi tou kai stin poutsa tou kai sto kolo sou :D
  12. sto poutsoklanidi mou :)
  13. why you want to spam ?
  14. they will announce it in facebook group Fnatic :)
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