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Everything posted by xeL

  1. Are you kidding me? Anwyway here is your answers on general: 1) ckeck ai for other buffers like newbie helpers and do similar with all buffs you want 2)lin2world>user_nobless 3) what? english ?
  2. try this one than : http://getintopc.com/softwares/operating-systems/windows-server-2003-enterprise-64-bit-free-download/
  3. WINDOWS: disk1: http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/9/D/F9DA93F8-2814-4B9B-A6A1-EA9B6B7E8BD6/X13-05825.img disk2: http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/9/D/F9DA93F8-2814-4B9B-A6A1-EA9B6B7E8BD6/X13-05774.img SQL: server : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21844 Sql Management: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8961 Google power :)
  4. here is link that may help you: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/walzenbach/archive/2010/04/14/how-to-enable-remote-connections-in-sql-server-2008.aspx
  5. same principe on c4 with less updates mby, depends on your pack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLr2ETFZZac
  6. I doubt that you will find any free h5 files and good one.
  7. use vang one here is a pack https://mega.co.nz/#!u8sVTBwY!T4LChMNO14AXl_PmHAc3KmyXiZe4mWgrAUeuILqHA6U
  8. Here is exampel without to decompile: push_const 7218 -> item id droped push_const 1 -> amount func_call 184746111 // func[GiveItem1] - function to give you that item
  9. are too options that you can connect to cached port from other pc: 1. port 2012 is added in firewall 2. firewall of server is disabled
  10. Discusable. Since is required 8gb to load server ok and hold some ppl . From up you need test. I never tested this way.
  11. 32gb on il will handle for sure 3k players. The bigest server on ram hosting a il vang extender was 128gb ram:)
  12. so you will keep agu? Oo that mean you have extender source:D or who sell it :)
  13. from c6 to c4 I think you wanted to say:) . So you will keep augmentation futures, tezza, c6 weapons and so on?
  14. C6 stuff are already removed from client? Or you consider to update some of futures from c6 to c4 when downgrade the client?
  15. Well first this is wrong section about this topic but here you have your answer: that icon link image you find in client side at grp files (armorgrp,etcitemgrp,weapongrp) and the id for it you find in itemname-e.
  16. I think he ment auto skill learn. @Duzer: for that you need to edit this in skillacquire.txt : all skills need to have auto_get = true and item_needed = {} .
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