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Everything posted by terkus

  1. i'm looking 70+ prp in skelth. Offers with price in pm.
  2. WTS some chars in skelth for aden or money. SK 79lvl+doom+6+tarbar+10 150eu (SOLD) Tyrant 52lvl with 56skills.+ 40 warlock in same acc 20eu Warlock 68lvl with many scrolls.- 35eu Prp 52lvl with 55skiills. 35eu Can trade all chars for giran server adena. pm me her or skype: vartotojas931. Better pm her and i add you. If you need midle man for this paying you :)
  3. WTS SK 78lvl and 30%. 0pk 130+pvp. +Zaken Clok +Damascus +8 + othell 8 +Doom h set +6 +Bo juve set +BOP + many other things and scrolls. Price 500eu. For mindle man pay buyer. Pm her or skype: vartotojas931
  4. SELL PR 55lvl in SKELTH SERVER. With hero reward box and many exp items. 60eu or 50kk aden. Pm her and i add you to skype. I open for midle man servise. WTS DAMA +7. 100kk or 130eu.
  5. Wts 54bd on sketlh. 40kk aden :)
  6. IF Sk fermale i can take for 70. pm.
  7. Wts Chars: PR 55lvl --------------aden or eu. (P.s cann trade PR To SK 52+) BD 54lvl 40kk aden or 80eu Aden: 480kk. Pm and we discus about price. :) SOLD: BD 54lvl.
  8. bump.
  9. Bd price plz?
  10. Wanna buy bd 5x in sketh server, pm with price and level.
  11. Buy sorc or necr 40-45lvl in skelth server.
  12. how much for sorc?
  13. transaction 100% trusted
  14. Wts glad 50lvl in skelth server. Raid sword*raid sword and fp armor. Can be naked. For euro or adenas. PM. If we take midlle man service for this pay buyer.
  15. buy bow of peril in skelth, can be ++++ pm me her with offers..
  16. WTS emi +7 in skelth server. 55kk or 110eu. Pm her and i give skype.
  17. trusted and fast.
  18. Realy nice guy... Full suport and trudsted.
  19. Wtb PR and PP for 40-48lvl. Pm with price. SKELTH SERVER.
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