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Everything posted by JolityMan

  1. tales they come with this big update alot new players log and also alot old players they log again also alot after this update alot pvp
  2. just delete cocies and you can remove ban
  3. i cant wait for oppening :D
  4. yes thats true only tales made big updates
  5. http://imgur.com/a/zXMd8 hmm me too xD
  6. tales he make good come back and with this features they going to be alive more tha 2-3 mounths and now is era of vercetti no more shits from mouse admin of l2era. and also now i remember this , who remember old tales fb page ? old fb page had over 110k REAL likes from this show to u s how proffesiona is tales team
  7. what to say after this photo , if server have 200 real online 200x49=9800 ppl + bots 12k online xD xD xD
  8. check here http://imgur.com/a/tq8vz lionna dont open yet the beta admin is alone in server and check how much online says in photo thats because is trush
  9. l2destiny/l2dragon/l2lionna/l2holydays/l2inception = L2ERA admin . they pay other clan leader or they give items to come in his server , thay ddos clan leader internet to take enemy payed clan , they sell olympiad point admin of era is trush fake online x8 bot works perfectly he have admin of Hopzone for gm in server and he add fake votes in his server and delete votes from tales , tales is stil alive era is dead and both servers open same days also he made all for money he dont make any update since 2014 all time the same shits they dont even change htmls xD xD xD
  10. The Black Mambas x50 Update on GvE x20, targets to make the server easier on equiping and change it from mid rate to pvp mode. This way the GvE system can work a lot better and new players can get a fast catchup on the existing ones and even with few hours playing on the server a new player will be ready to participate on pvp with the opposition. Downtime will last around 6-7hours around on Saturday. Server will be online at 19:00 GMT +1. =Rates Changes= Exp: from x20 => x50 Drop: from x10 => x25 (DOES NOT AFFECT: Transform Sealbook - Anakim, Leonard, Adamantine, Orichalcum, Fire/Earth/Divine/Dark/Water/Wind Stones, Giant's Codex , Giant's Codex - Oblivion/Discipline/Mastery, Large Dragon Bone, Large Dragon Skull, Fire/Earth/Divine/Dark/Water/Wind Crystals, High-Grade Life Stones, Top-Grade Life Stones, Festival Adena, BEAS, BEWS.) Spoil: from x10 => x25 Adena: from x12 => x30 RB Drop: from x5 => x10 Quest Drop: from x3 => x7 Quest Chance: from x6 => x15 Enchant Rates: from 55% to 60%. Safe Enchant: +4 Max Enchant: +8 =GM-Shop Changes= - Icarus Weapons, Moirai Armors & Moirai Jewels will be added. - Vesper Weapons, Vesper Armors & Vesper Jewels will be added. - Upgrade to Foundation Armor will be added for Moirai & Vespers in exchange with Neolithic Crystals S80-S84 per part. =Daily Quest: Don't Know, Don't Care Changes= - Dragon Beast will now drop extra - Vorpal Robe parts (gloves,shoes,circlet) - Behemoth Leader will now drop extra - Vorpal Light parts (gloves,boots,helmet) - Drake Lord will now drop extra - Vorpal Heavy parts (gloves,boots,helmet) =New Raid Boss= Baylor, will spawn 3 times a week on prime time. It will drop mainly Mid-S84 Weapons, Vorpal Armory & Vorpal Jewels and more. All the players that dealt damage to it will get 10-15 PvP Golden Apiga Reward after it dies. =The Black Mambas= The Black Mambas will be an alias with a code on their title that every new player will get when he enters on the server. All new Players with title Black Mambas will enter on a phantom clan, depend on their faction they will enter on the Good Faction or Evil Faction clans. Those Clans will have Level 8 + full Clan Skills, and will help newbies to find easier party or request for help and they will graduate/dismiss players after 72 hours of their character creation giving them the graduation rewards. (40 FA, Random Hat, 500kk Adena, 200 Giant's Codex, 5 Giant's Codex - Mastery & 5 Top-Grade Life Stones.) Minor Changelog - Promo event removed. - All color names from previous events removed. - Neolithic Crystals added for PvP Golden Apiga in Farkas Shop. Next Sieges & Events Schedule Saturday 12 August: Giran Siege at (21:00) Saturday 12 August: PvP Gathering (21:30) Sunday 13 August: Oren Siege (17:00), Dion Siege (19:00), Innadril Siege (21:00) Monday 14 August: Giran Siege (18:00), Rune Siege (20:00) Tuesday 15 August: Territory Wars (20:00) Friday 18 August: 2nd Valakas Carnage (20:30) with Random Loot System, drops will be distributed directly in luckiest player's inventories. To be done until 15 August: - Kills in Events will give PvP - Golden Apiga reward per kill. - Kills in Events will count as PvP point. - 1 Char per hwid will be able to enter events/oly. - Olympiad kills will reward with 2 PvP - Golden Apiga each kill. - Change Armor Service, Vesper to Vesper parts & Vorpal to Vorpal parts will be added in Drake for DP.
  11. tales comes with big update the black mamba x50 alot ppl going to play again tales in 12/8/2017 tommorow. Era is dead tales is alive ant going to alive more than 2 mounths
  12. ahhahahha i see this l2lionna oppening and I have died in the laughter axaxxaxa mouse who you thing login again in your servers? with keyloger in your system , with free items you give to clans to play in your server or better go ddos another clan leader internet to take your payed clan the castle? who you thing you are mouse fucking trush
  13. this project gonna fail from first day
  14. L2Tales - The Black Mambas x50 comming 12august !!!!
  15. y because tales files are proffesional tales for make this files they take over 5-6 years
  16. if you are skilled russian source is the best for h5 is most stable than l2j (l2j sux), also yep you are right but if you are smart with ru pack you can do best h5 server without problems
  17. better russian platform if you skilled
  18. Tales gonna make huge update the black mamba lets see what they gonna change
  19. where you find this files maybe have backdoors inside?
  20. what you see in photo pro developer? they need 1.7
  21. http://imgur.com/a/Fwlk9 maybe fandc need 1.7 right ;) so i am the true about jdk 7 they dont need latest java right?
  22. i download jdk7 but again same problem so is not java problem i think
  23. i dont have work with windows again i work only with linux machines so dont broke balls
  24. come on hopzone admin is in the same team with era (mouse) thats why delete votes from tales and add more than 6k to era ... hopzone is corruption
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