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Everything posted by Klaymen

  1. I think the ncsoft want to add features from wow in the upcoming thrones so ppl will choose l2 because itt will have many same things from wow. The most I hate in L2 is the character lvling. NC should make something with it, becasue it's all about farming, and it's becoming boring.
  2. I think Strargate Worlds will be the best novie based game.
  3. Thanks for the share! It works on Xeebra.
  4. Can someone tell me how to configure it to a Gracia server?
  5. Hi! Have anyone found walker settings for Xeebra.org? Can someone share it if it exists? Thank you!
  6. First you need a working ingame walker. Here is the guide http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25602.0 . First start ingame walker. (You can start outgame first but i prefer to start ingame first :P). if you logged in succesfully you can start token.exe. Then go to the bake ice client and go back to the login screen. From now you can follow the outgame walker guide from step 11. I hope it will work for you.
  7. Are you starting token.exe from the walker folder? Because my friend had the same message if he started it from somewhere else.
  8. Use dwarf for fishing!!! Just set in the option to drink Healing Potions if hp is below 99%. Thats all.
  9. i think you posted this in wrong topic, but the answer is you have to copy systextures and textures folders from the bake ice client into your non-bake ice client.
  10. Wow that works :D! Thx for the info. Now i only want know is it possible to play with a normal bake ice client and use OOG at the same time?
  11. Try this: 1. restart computer if you have launched proxifier 2. launch loader, now you can click on start but DONT do it 3. start the proxifier (for me it always says to run the network configurator, you can find it where you installed proxifier.) 4. start l2fork,l2asrv,c5toIL 5. now you can click on start button and follow the guide from the login screen If i lauch Proxifier i cant use msn, and ofcourse the loader. If i restart the computer that solves the problem. Its very annoying you have to restart the computer.... Can someone tell me wath is the problem? Is it possible to play with a normal bake ice client and use OOG at the same time?
  12. If you press login in walker then you have some time to log in with the bake ice client and choose a server, before it sasy timeout.
  13. I managed to work it. I have to restart the comp and start the loader first then follow the giude. But it works :)! Thanks for the guide!
  14. I did everything again. I followed the guide but i still have the problem.
  15. I have a problem. If i start Proxifier then i can't start the game because the loader dont works. Untill the next reboot i can't start the game. Here is a screen:
  16. This was posted first here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=23056.0
  17. PC will die when you can copy xbox 360 and ps3 games without it...
  18. Stargate and Starget: The Ark of Truth
  19. Maybe this is not the solution. If i want to start L2 from walker i always got crit. First i start walker then l2asrv and finally L2. This works for me.
  20. Lineage 2 is not famous for its balanced pvp. In every chronicle,throne... there will be overpowered chars. My favourite is Storm Screamer, the only thing is wrong with it that its too slow i think, but it hit hard.
  21. Once they caught the best servers 1,5 years ago, but then all of them started agian. So I think they can't stop people making off private servers.
  22. I hope there will be german campaign and be more real. I didn't like when i gave a headshot and the guy just hit the ground and then get up and continue shooting like nothing happened.
  23. Does anybody know how can a T-rex lvl crystal from 10 to 11 or 11 to 12? I heard something about using the trap skills, but i dont know how can i learn them. Thx in advance.
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