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About DonaPOWA

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    Innadril Castle
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    Resident Evil
    Linkin Park
    Harry Potter
    Lineage 2

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  1. Hello, WTS adena - http://l2era.com/# price negotiable payment method only paypal 140 bilion adena discord: donapowa#0248 or priv msg
  2. https://lineage2ravage.com/Comunidad/index.php Server rates Experience (EXP): 15x Skill Points (SP): 15x Adena: 7x Drop the Items: 9x Spoil: 9x Recs: 1x Keys: 3x Quest Experience (EXP): 1x Quest Skill Points (SP): 1x Quest Adena: 1x Quest Drop Items: 1x Weight Limit: 5x Manor: 3x Extract Fish: 3x Enchant on the server Safe Enchant: 4 Max. Enchant Armor: 12 Max. Enchant Weapon: 16 Normal Scroll chance: 52% Blessed Scroll chance: 58% Elemental Max. Level: Level 7 Elemental Stone chance: 50% Elemental Crystal chance: 40% Configurations Server time: UTC - 3 (Buenos Aires) Duration of Buffs, Dances and Songs: 2 hours Maximum Slots of Buffs 24 + 4 (Divine) Maximum Slots of Dances and Songs : 12 Maximum of Clients per PC: 4 + 2 Offline Olympiads Max. Enchant : 6 Anti-Bot System ( Smartguard ) Geodata and Pathnodes: Automatic awards: Auction house: Maximum number of epic chars: 1 per PC Sub-Class cumulative Sub-Classe Quest Sub-Classe Level Maximum: 85 Classe Master: Off- line Shop mode: BuffStore Sell Mode: Auto Learn Skills: Auto Learn Loot: Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot Vitality System: Champions System Wedding System Damage on Screen (Oficial) Skill toogle Anti-Buff implementado Sistema no carrier Premium Accounts Achievements Daily Quest Community engine Epic community boss Database Go To NPC Global GK Globak GK a Forts - Loa raids NEW Baium portal: Queda 10 minutos abierto y luego se cierra. No hay penalidades de Clan ni Alianza para salir/disolver/etc Límite de peso: Aumentado Olympiadas - Basic Info Olympic Cycle : 7 days Hours of competition: 20: 00hs to 00: 00hs (GMT-3 Argentina Time) Minimum number of registered: 6 Initial Points: 20 Maximum enchant in oly : +6 Number of weekly fights : 80 Heroes by IP: 1 Requirements to exit Hero: 15 or more fights made + 1 or more fights won + be the one with the most points of that class Day and time of delivery of the Heroes: Sunday at noon The day that the Heroes are delivered there is NO competition (it resumes the following day) Castles and Sieges Castles enabled: All Siege frequency: 14 days Duration of the siege: 2 hours Registration deadline: 24 hours before the start Siege Schedule: 18 to 20 GMT-3 Guards in Siege: Increased their stats as well as the doors. Minimum level Clan: 6 Clans Backpacks: No Castle Cloaks: Yes, they are sold in the manager of the castle by adena. Territory War TW frequency: 7 days Duration of the siege: 2 hours Siege Schedule: 17 to 19 GMT-3 Day of the Siege: Every Saturday. Max wards: 4 per clan. They restart at the beginning of each TW and return to their respective castles. Fortress Siege Waiting time : 1 hour Duration of the siege: 1 hour Fame to dead chars: NO Chars by PC in fort zone: Max 3 Custom Reward per pc: Only 1 char. Reward: To be defined (GC or GCM possibly or an extra amount of fame) All achievements give fame and others give hats among other items. Many of these achievements are known .. here we leave some images We will expand some information as the server is in beta mode and we will post a list. Achievement of PvP Achievement de Pk Karma's Achievement Achievement for "x" amount of moobs Achievements for "x" number of raids ... Achievement for killing baium Achievement for killing valakas Achievement for killing antharas And so it is a very big list !! We will do an exel detailing the prizes. List of epics Queen Ant Level: 85 Epic frequency: every 24 hours Random Spawn: 0 minutes. Chars on PC: 1 Chars that can do damage in the area: 1 per PC. First Spawn: When starting the server Ring Drop: 50% Drop Added: From day 3: Moirai Items. Day 7: Vesper Items. Drop: By Dmg AutoPvP Zone Flag: Yes Baium Level: 87 Epic frequency: every 5 days Time range: 22 a 00 (GMT-3) always leaves at this time every 5 days. Chars on PC: 1 Chars that can do damage in the area: 1 per PC. First Spawn: - / - / 2018 Ring Drop: 100% Drop Added: From 1st day baium: Moirai Items. 2nd: Vesper Items 8º Vorpal. AutoPvP Zone Flag: Yes Once the statue of baium is spoken, the portal remains open: 10 minutes and closes. Valakas Fire Dragon Level: Retail Epic frequency: every 7 days (Every Friday) Time range: 22 a 00 (GMT-3) Chars on PC: 1 Chars that can do damage in the area: 1 per PC. First Spawn: - / - / 2018 Drop of the Neckleace: 100% Drop weapon TOP: 1 AutoPvP Zone Flag: Yes Heart closing time: 30 minutes once a player enters the area as it is officially. Antharas Earth Dragon Level: Retail Epic frequency: every 7 days (All Saturdays) Time range: 22 a 00 (GMT-3) Chars on PC: 1 Chars that can do damage in the area: 1 per PC. First Spawn: - / - / 2018 Drop of the Earring: 100% Drop weapon TOP: 1 AutoPvP Zone Flag: Yes Rebuff in epic zone: To be seen (debate in survey mode) Nest closing time: 30 minutes once a player enters the area as it is officially. Beleth Level: Retail Epic frequency: every 4 days Time range: 20 a 22 (GMT-3) Chars on PC: 1 Chars that can do damage in the area: 1 per PC. First Spawn: - / - / 2018 Ring Drop: 100% AutoPvP Zone Flag: No Rebuff in epic zone: To be seen (debate in survey mode) Minimum number of players to enter: 9 Core Level: 85 Epic frequency: every 2 days from the first death. Random Spawn: 0 minutes. Chars on PC: 2 Chars that can do damage in the area: -. First Spawn: - / - / 2018 Ring Drop: 50% AutoPvP Zone Flag: No Drop added: Refined Core (Improved) 25% chance. Rebuff in epic zone: To be seen (debate in survey mode) Orfen Level: 85 Epic frequency: every 3 days from the first death. Random Spawn: 0 minutes. Chars on PC: 2 Chars that can do damage in the area: -. First Spawn: - / - / 2018 Ring Drop: 50% AutoPvP Zone Flag: No Drop added: Refined Orfen (Improved) 25% chance. Rebuff in epic zone: To be seen (debate in survey mode) Frintezza Son of baium Level: 87 Daily Limit: During the first week: 4 daily, then 5. Requires Command: NO. Minimum amount of pj: 9 Maximum amount of pj: 45 Level Up Crystal: Yes Neck Drop: 45% Freya Easy Mode Level: 85 Daily limit: 5 daily. Requires Command: NO. Minimum amount of pj: 9 Maximum amount of pj: 45 Level Up Crystal: Yes Neck Drop: 45% Freya Hard Mode Level: 85 Daily Limit: Explained in the post of new features. Requires Command: Yes. Minimum amount of pj: 18 Maximum amount of pj: 45 Level Up Crystal: Yes Neck Drop: 85% Available from: 10/22/2018 Tiat Level: 85 Daily Limit: 2 Requires Command: Yes. Minimum amount of pj: 18 Maximum amount of pj: 45 Level Up Crystal: Yes Drop of the claw: 85% Custom drop: Vorpal Available from: 10/18/2018 Aenkelei all levels (Delusion) Level: - Daily Limit: 8 Requires Command: No. Minimum amount of pj: 2 Maximum amount of pj: 9 Level Up Crystal: Yes Available from: Open Zaken all levels Level: 61 83 61 Daily Limit: Without limit Requires Command: No. Minimum amount of pj: 9 Maximum amount of pj: 18 Level Up Crystal: Yes Available from: Open L2 Ravage (A new awakening) Last update: 09/28/2018 In my opinion there are a number of points to configure, for the changes that lineage2 is taking and all the servers that open day by day will leave as detailed as possible these settings of which I speak. Zones and Drop Vorpal Zone of kariks available from the 4 days started the server. This same area, we will not nerfearla, on the contrary we will promote a farmeo in that area without altering the drop. Frintezza: It could be done from the beginning but with a daily limit during the first week. Quest of Loa - Activated. These moobs are immune to Lethal type skills. Freya Hard This epic we used to limit it to 1 a day but this time we are going to place it in a different way. During the first 10 days, it will be disabled. On day 11 at 00:00 this will remain active and with a limit of 3 newspapers . The drop of the pieces was not modified and it was added drop vorpal as the European servers. Main Spots of Farmeo and settings of NPC Not everything is rosy ... The farmeos without modifications in the vorpal area will have a particular setting. Only in that area of Bloody, can attack with a maximum of 2 pjs at a time by PC. In case of attacking with 3 pjs the first one stops hitting. This time I have been developing a new and improved captcha system that works with the report but also works in another internal way in which we will apply in some areas only. The Knoriks will have a spawn of 14 minutes with 2m of random. (Reviewing official parameters, it is 30 minutes of spawn). These last moobs are immune to lethal. The hellbound mobs, anomic foundry punctually to prevent the bot, are immune to lethal of all kinds. Epicos We will have extra settings to those who have all the servers. The idea is based on whether or if 1 char per pc works in epics, but not. How will we carry it out? We will have the classic system of limitations of 1 PJ per pc in epics (90% efficiency). We will add a setting as they have the vorpal zones but of 1 per PC. What does this mean? If somehow bugean the system and enter that 10% chance or less, this person who manages to do so or maybe luckily, you can only hit with 1 pj per pc. Translated ... if you have more than 1 char only attack with 1 regardless of what you do. Queen Ant: Will be level 85 without any type of restriction. Core and Orfen: Will be 85 without any type of restriction. The Pre epic zones (They are pvp and have client limiter per pc) for the previous agits. We will try to make some of them fall on a weekday to leave a freer load on Saturdays and Sundays and not have them tied to a PC. Some other general settings When in doubt what kind to make me? which yields more etc etc .. Cancellation: Random. Maximum 4 - Minimum 1 Bubbles: They increased the damage x2 of their retail damage. Now getting inside will cause damage! Steal Divinity: Maximo 5 buff Steleados. Pride of kamael: Works in a retail way Skills of archers: They have the official power 24 and 17 k bring these by default within the skill. (It does not mean that they are going to hit 24k). Duelists: Without nerfeo in the passive Cancel part 2: We are seeing to place the linear gate inside olympiadas, it is only an idea. Baium - The vortex remains open for 10 minutes so that the pvp is encouraged inside the lair and the epic is not left to chance. The command channels can be made up of a maximum of 4 Partys per clan. Dmg will be made in case you have another comand within the same clan. Damage GOD added in our panel. The reuse of macros, which is a subject that is very popular and generates controversy, is something that we would like to adapt. Clearly not officially reducing 1.1 seconds in the skill and perma spam skills is not the idea, but the idea would focus on applying a nerfeo to this same but use this feature! In the beta we will do a few tests about this. Seiteos at the class level We will add a boost of +2 WITH / +1 DEX / + 2 STR + 5 Speed, to both dwarves. Dance of Medusa + 5% initial chance. Song of silence + 5% initial chance BD - SWS: +1 DEX + 1 STR +1 WITH added boost. Judicator: Skills 81/83 will arrive in almost all sv this does not work.
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  3. What is best current program to fraps l2?
  4. Looking for mid rate high five server who dont die after 2 weeks ...
  5. @dzver for what u opened server when u dont care about it after 2 weeks?
  6. Hello can some1 combine it and add the word "DonaPOWA" ? http://imgur.com/a/XAkM1
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