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About sorrowful

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    Me discord ID: 551347947191795726
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  1. Hello, its me paypal and I think you was scammed. me topic etc and real information is inside. Be CAREFUL!
  2. Buy some adena, he go first. nice guy :)
  3. Buy some adena, he send me first. Looks like a good guy.
  4. WTB Adena in Giran server 0.9 write me skype - donatas.kkk2 PayPal
  5. Buy 30kk adena on giran server I go first. was fast and good
  6. bought adena all went smooth trusted
  7. Lineage II Classic Giran ACC: all naked with valakas neckl imprinted. Berserker 80 DA 80 naked Necromancer 58 Warshmit 80 Archmage 80 Heir earing lv5 imprinted. adena +6 Bishop 69 Spelhower 78 Spectral Dancer 80 with siren. Items: Hat +10 dex-wit +2str Blessed Dragons Belt +6 Talisman Bracelet Lv. 6 Agathion Bracelet Lv. 5 Magmeld tal lv. 8 Greater aquamarine Lv. 3 Hats +3 DEX, 20% xp, silence. Daimond crystal +3 Be CAREFUL there is some scammers! When you make deal with me be sure me discord ID or skype information is same like in this post!!! Write me in Discrod for more info. sorrowfuldk#8206 Discord id - 551347947191795726 Payment: PayPal ---------------------------------------------------------- Sold! Giran: sorcer 56lvl - SOLD to - Pufa SE 57lvl - SOLD to - GiranGamer - Opt*** WarLord 60 / Se 52lvl - SOLD to - 13********* SE 52lvl - SOLD to - GiranGamer - Opt*** SE 63lvl - SOLD to - johnpapas21 / Funky**** SPOIL 49lvl - SOLD to - somalo Warlock 64lvl - SOLD to - Cường SPH 52 / EE 51lvl - SOLD to - babykate Hawkeye 71lvl - SOLD to - SpeakNoEvil Spectral Dancer 78lvl - SOLD to - ftreal Shillien Saint 78.89%lvl - SOLD to - angelsdecay Prophet 65.41%lvl - SOLD to - johnpapas21 / Funky**** Warcyer 60lvllvl - SOLD to - djony320 / Evil Arcana Lord 78.56% / WC 58lvl - SOLD to - Hask Trickster 77.53lvl - SOLD to - Steven.T SPOILER 54lvl - SOLD to - Mr.Đạt BISHOP 56lvl - SOLD to - [Bp] Rouxkine WARSMITH 54lvl - SOLD to - Pufa 8x accounts 55-60lvl - SOLD to - FlytoWin BD 63 - SOLD to - TheShadow Spellsinger 78 - SOLD to - pauly Shillien Saint 78.88% - SOLD to - CJ EE 62 - SOLD to - TheShadow Overlord 62 - SOLD to - ShankzPT Prophet 62 - SOLD to - Frenzy SE 77 - SOLD to - l2progamers SE 56 - SOLD to - BestSellerTeon EE 59 - SOLD to - Casper Trickster 66 - SOLD to - ShankzPT Grand Khavatari 78 - SOLD to - ShankzPT SE 61 / SWS 63 - SOLD to - TheShadow SWS 76, BD 71 - SOLD to - FlytoWin Elven Elder 77 - SOLD to - Mr Blue Wind rider 76 - SOLD to - happy..... Elemental summoner 58 - SOLD to - Valky2y Elemental Master 80.40% - SOLD to - Pufa Prophet 61 - SOLD to - Onixs Bladedancer 66 - SOLD to - Onixs Titan 78.94 - SOLD to - sazaros Essense eu: Titan 79 - SOLD to - cG SPH 76 - SOLD to - dontworrybehappy
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