There are as many approaches as stars in the sky, for all I know.
You could create a class variable in, which will hold the Object_ID of its first aggressor/dmg_dealer. From there, you will have to add a check in the RequestAttack and RequestMagicSkillUse packets and/or in some doDamage()/reduceHp() method, which will check if the damage dealer is the first aggressor, and if not - reduce the damage to 0.
But you also have to be mindful about special cases, such as:
- what happens when a Warlord runs around an area, provoking everything just to trigger the aggression and then just goes to town waiting for someone else to kill the said mobs so that the WL can collect free rewards? You might have to play with the DefaulAI, or the AI of monsters and hook a function that would reset the aggressor_id value under certain conditions, such as - the aggressor is not in X range or the aggressor is dead, or the aggressor is not online, or the NPC/Monster's AI is in INACTIVE state, which would indicate they are not in combat.
- what happens when the aggressor is in party? should the said aggressor/dmg_dealer variable be a List/Set of players which are all eligible to deal dmg or receive rewards?