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Coolness last won the day on January 4 2021

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About Coolness

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    Hello, for what price you are able to make a simple website with a unique design, such as ma l2reality.com It is a very simple design and quite legible. Is such a service very expensive?

  2. new designs in the portfolio and in the store
  3. Coolness.su - portfolio
  4. On sale by copy. Finished design 99$ for psd
  5. got a misunderstanding. I sent the money to the card to my friend, and he had to send the money back sotid. But he forgot to do it and it turned out such a story. We figured out sotid, I have no complaints about him and he has me too
  6. i maked for you few version, and after, you write here this message. You have earned money back, what do you want from me? All times i sent you changes. All times i answer you. Why you think about me what i scammer? I have some diffucult period in my life but every time i sent you new changes you sent me new. Moderator, please delete this message. This guy have files and he got money back. I don't scammer.
  7. this is just your opinion)
  8. New design! Copies cost 99$ Copies cost 89$
  9. new design for unique sale 129$
  10. New design for world of warcraft server, cost 159$
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