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Everything posted by Stάzy

  1. i am not am angry cuz they didn't chose me ;) but they could told me "well you dont have the knowledge we want" instead of avoiding me.... They dont know me so they cant trust me i know that :) ... i dont have big experience but i applied to get more experience in gm staff :D
  2. eleos re ti rwtas omfg ....... oxi kai pisteuw oti ola auta pou lete ine psemata oute se tenies epistimonikis fantasias den ginontai -.-' exi trakari me podilato ama3i i mixanaki asxima?
  3. huh yeah . i know i dont need to install db but i installed it (i lsoe customs ofc) but gs + ls works... i dont to install db so i wont lose customs... any1 knows what to do?
  4. here is the login server --> here is the game server ---> PS: Now u can see and the gameserver
  5. akougete poli endiaferon 8a dw ta videos mipos kai ma8i tpt.. ty!
  6. greek , english , german and french ...... ;D i suck at french :D
  7. well about the event manager ... i already sent a pm to TheMentaL i wrote every detail about my knowledge and experience but i got no reply .... lol just pm me and tell me if u want me to join your team or no...
  8. http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorpq2.jpg kita3te edw to gameserver mou kai to loginserver... xrisimopiw to pack tou lightmagic an kapios 3eri ti na kanw pite . ty
  9. In the server i play ppl are smart :D and they all have good items .. believe me they dont get scammed by cheap buy-sell tricks ...! ;D u must be very clever to scam them.. i vista and php dont works there :( (offtopic: how can i make php work at vista? :D) I think this is spam.....!
  10. take a look here dunno why ls and gs dont load .... if any1 knows what to do to fix it reply here .. your help will be apreciated.. ty
  11. [AD]Gemini .... den 8eli poli skepsi :D i vale auto pou vazis stous server pou pezis.. thats all..
  12. and then how can i turn seal stones ine AA . i dont have access to catacombs
  13. i am gonna join to see how server is EDIT: i can't connect to site :-\
  14. i think that i have seen it again , it pwns! ;)
  15. Me: yo nigger God: Where are you located? Me: Greece FTW! God: Tell me a little about your life in Greece FTW. Me: i live in a house God: How much is your rent? Me: i dont pay rent God: Would you ever do it? Me: do what? God: pay rent. Me: are u retard? God: I don't know whether or not I am retard. I am a robot. Me: i know God: How do you know it? Me: i have speaked to u before God: Where did you get your speaked to me? I have a very nice programmer. Me: nah your programmer sux God: Are you serious? Ask me another question. Me: is your programmer woman or man? God: Maybe. Ask Dancing Alice if it is. Me: tell me God: I thought I told you already. Me: so God: Pardon me? Me: yy God: Are you a man or a woman? Me: man God: Thanks for telling me your gender, . You are a " he". Me: and u are an it? God: What if someone said you are an it ? Me: retard -.- God: That kind of language does not appeal to me. Me: sry boss God: I like the way you talk. Me: yeah Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: God: Dude! Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: Me: God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! Me: what? God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: Dude! God: No problem. WTF? ;D System stack? ;D
  16. Read before you post! Mafia_007 said the same thing
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