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Everything posted by estregoik

  1. many envious will always look for defects in everything you do instead of doing something better so never stand out at all because they spend their time waiting for the other to fall to be on the same level.
  2. hello I would also like to participate in this project if you are in agreement, because I have knowledge and can help from already thank you
  3. include windows.inc .DATA EXTRN ?CanSellItem@COfflineShop@@SA_NPEAVCItem@@@Z:PROC .CODE ManagePrivateStoreFilterHook proc mov rax, [rcx+30h] cmp dword ptr[rax+70h], 39h jnz @F ret @@: push rax push rcx sub rsp, 20h call ?CanSellItem@COfflineShop@@SA_NPEAVCItem@@@Z add rsp, 20h cmp rax, 0 pop rcx pop rax ret ManagePrivateStoreFilterHook endp END for compile im ML64
  4. alter procedure lin_CreateChar @Lev TINYINT = 20 default 20
  5. I'm trying to create this extender so you're ready I'll post
  6. cool but you have to compile the same module with ml64?
  7. you need is to create your own extender! to prevent headaches
  8. can someone post the link and the VS 2005 libs and how to configure VS2005 to Copiler?
  9. why everyone says he knows and nobody put the crack tutorial
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