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Everything posted by r33team

  1. Hello our service can offer you little bit less price (2-3$ cheaper) but instant payment (2-3 minutes). http://r33team.com
  2. 1. spoiler 59 level 12 EURO 2. Warcryer 60 level euro 15 eur 3. Warcryer 59 level 15 eur 4. Spoiler 58 level 12 EURO r33team.com service skype r33tfreez payment/ paypal/g2a/ Chars all on common C , adena 150-400k on each , nevit, 150+ recommends w/o dyes
  3. Hello, if you have adena write me i buy all you adena.
  4. You sell adena higher then shops, you think its weak?
  5. r33team sell for 3,3 USD , its cheaper for 24% lol
  6. 1. 1-40 58kk 41$ 12-15 hours 0.71$ - 1kk 40-50 194kk 69.28$ 24-30 hours 0.35$ - 1kk 50-55 221kk 66.30$ 24-30 hours 0.30$ - 1kk 55-60 453kk 95.13$ 30-48 hours 0.21$ - 1kk 50-60 674kk 128,06$ 60-72 hours 0.19$ - 1kk 60-70 2114kkk 253.68$ ? 0,12$ - 1kk Any charachter (pp/se/crafter/spoiler Any time of day, day night We accept Adena as a payment 1) First class - 5$ 2) Second class 14.2$ 3) Table of exp Interesting in ? https://r33team.com/buy-adeny-classic.html
  7. Lineage2dex full stock - cheap price. Soon we will have table with the exping for a classic servers. Also WTS Adrenalin Keys
  8. if you want sell your adena pm us r33team.com we will buy it
  9. website r33team.com wit +12, 70 level all skills + mail (or transfer) avarage price for this charachter 200+ , very cheap
  10. Necromancer 72 +? visit r33team.com or pm me here.
  11. Trade for another server with best cross currency rate Instant pay on paypal Any amounts (even 10 - 20 b) OE stuffs This offer works only for Skelth & L2classic.club Our website r33team.com or skype r33tfreez
  12. pm into r33team.com we want to buy your stuff
  13. I want to buy your adena pm me r33team.com
  14. If you still have any goods, for example adena or charachters - r33team.com contact us , we will buy it.
  15. If you have any Adena items pm me here r33team.com , our team will buy it.
  16. If you have any adena/stuff - pm me i will buy it or visit our website r33team.com
  17. r33team.com fast delivery 30$ - 1kkk
  18. Looking for a supliers on l2classic.club
  19. website http://r33team.com in stock we have Ring of Queen Ant 85 euro - sold Earring of Antharas 110 euro Ring of Core 75 euro sold Earring of Orfen 75 Euro Ring of Baium 100 Euro - sold Trusted seller
  20. 10kkk every day leggit farm adena 1$-1kkk skype r33tfreez or here
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