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Everything posted by lineageltd

  1. Somebody knows the files from vanganth with the latest or latest minor changes ? What doesnt work ? Olympiad System Siege System Clan Hall System Questbugs?
  2. hyperfilter unless you willing to buy the "hardware" and look for a hostingcenter yourself. aswell you can check out ovh.com
  3. Finally selling my char. Like it says. As you can see items (Talisman Hellfire) and all Jewels like Ruby are level 4. Also with legendary dyes. Pm me with offer. Paypal / WU / Middlemanservice is okay for me Also you can check char via Skype shared screen if you want more proof.
  4. any link and some more infos about this vanilla l2j h5 would be cool hahaha =)
  5. first you say "i only sell" and now you say you hacked it ? seems still curious
  6. Yoho, let me fastly introduce myself: Im an old guy from back in the days. Used to run Lineage 2 OFF Servers back in the 2000´s Extender Master & Dev L2 OFF MSSQL MySQL Dedicated Solutions Firewall OS M2M You may know me and my mates from projects like l2-scripts.com (which we sold) and L2German from 2006 Peace
  7. Yoho, since i always used L2OFF and did alot of stuff there im curious about L2j H5 Files. What are the best (no-backdoor / complete / mostly bugfree / tested ) files ? Who develops it (people behind it) and where can i look into them ? Sourcefiles available ? Or already compiled? Thanks peepz greets
  8. so you know vanganth and sell it in his favor ? =) cause it seems a little i dunno faky tbh
  9. so you made own extender with source code =) =) =) ?
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/73769-guide-extenders/
  11. There are not much out there. If you have the IL your pretty good. Even if its outdated and vang did alot since then, they files are nice to work on. If you want to test the newest version from vang, we can arrange that once i setted it up peace
  12. Sorry, but please descripe your problem more specific, so that i can help you
  13. Hello peoples, since im an old dev from long long ago and still im hungry to do some stuff, i will give you my time and help FOR FREE If you need any help regarding the following topics, write me : L2OFF ILExt Server Setup Firewall MSSQL MySQL and more Peace
  14. Hello Folk, i used to run and help at several server projects as developer and also as administrator. I was wondering how the situation has changed since back in the days (2008/09). Where are the Interlude Source Files hahahaha. We always made our own Extender and never paid ppl some money for "keys".
  15. yeee he is a little complicated. you should be knowing before what you are doing. maybe get some free l2off files and try it out first. here are a lot of posts how to do it . aswell you will get advices from ppl who know this stuff =) peace
  16. Yo people, im Lineage addicted since 2004. Had couple of servers run by me and friends aswell. So these days its hard to find a good private server where your able to play your favorite chronicle. Most servers shut down fast, or have shitty files or other problems like corruption and mafia style money making. Pay 2 play was the better option when we used to run to the stores to buy the timecode for the next month for our 12 accounts hrhrhrhr What you think ? I mean i rather pay 12 dollar a month than choosing new server every couple of month.
  17. l2off only choice =)
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