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About xCynica

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  1. People who play on L2Era/ Lionna and the likes are irrelevant trash anyway, don't even bother with the admins or players
  2. I will use archive.is and screenshot this whole topic, next time someone asks what server pack they should use I will show them this screenshot full of toxicity from the devs attacking an innocent dude. See what pack they choose XAXAXAXA
  3. Lots of hate to this wonderful developer Mobius, they all jealous that you singlehandely killed their projects because yours was so easy to manage and use. lmao
  4. Can be both depending on your server settings.
  5. How do I make myself GM? Can't find it in either GMAccess.d folder or GMAccess.xml I have also tried to make my access level in Navicat to be 127 with no regards.
  6. Ty for guide.
  7. OMG how do you not know how to reg a gs...
  8. Lindvior works ^^
  9. Why are you here if you don't know what you're doing?
  10. Take LasTravel/ SirFaris / Zer0 (all same person under different nicks) as an example, wipe every 5-6 months ^^
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