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Everything posted by myth

  1. Experienced players always remcomend focus power.
  2. Recently Ive been playing with da and it's very useful on mass pvp. Very strong combined with oe weapon and buffered panther it's lethal.
  3. I remember c3, when level on LOA killing kariks with sps area skills.
  4. It's posible kill zaken only with 1 party. 3 (62-64 destro) with zealot 3 (lvl 66 and delevel). 1 Spectral dancer, 1 wc, 1 sws, 1 bishop, 2 (elven elder) Only spectral dancer and bishop look for zaken. Destros waiting with frenzy. so simply
  5. Gladiator it's more stable than many characters
  6. Draconic + angel slayer critical damage for pvp.
  7. WoooHHH ! I 'll check it. Very useful
  8. Normally, spawn time is 5 day's and randon time + - 8 hours I think
  9. I think thtat SoulBow it's very slow and carnage sa sucks
  10. Nice guide ;) I 've save it ;)
  11. For leveling TAllum heavy it's the best armor 4 destroyer due to atk speed
  12. All my name characters are main sci-fi novel's character.
  13. Last week I was bored and I purchase 6 luxury weapon c and lots of ewc from nobless pass. 1 of them enchanted to +11 ^^ :)
  14. In olimpiade gladiator or sumoner. Pvp and Mass pvp fullbuf HE HE without buff sucks
  15. I'm pp and i participate on olimpiade with arcana and som+acu. I 0ve enchanted root +9. First i buff myself dependinfg on enemy profession. When Start combat i try to root or mana burn depend on profession. If I root enemmy, I equipe with bw heavy and draconic...... It's my start combat
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