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Everything posted by FakMeImFamous

  1. those weapons arent special, but if ur lazy ass [like me] and want those dynasty weapons + hero glows, u should download them, they are not so bad, if ur lazy and dont want to edit files.
  2. weapons with hero glows, its nothing special, but keep sharing.
  3. most LT servers have it, and no1 buy VIP, so its worthless.
  4. omg nub this isnt a right section.
  5. this still works? some1 know? i want to try it.
  6. update ur brains man, l2j isnt everything u know.
  7. nice server, but most bugs wasnt fixed :| and you forgot website its: www.bfdr.eu
  8. EDIT: not worth to play with such a lag, but online is ~900, not bad.
  9. i checked and server is off, so not worth to try to play in this server.
  10. omg stop talk same shit, that u saw anything in other forums, i saw *N* of ur topics and u was saying "I Had Seen to another topic but i cant find it..." and why credits is so big deal for u? ok critical said to give credits, but u r just post hunter u repeat same shit that was said before by other this forum member, nothing more.
  11. maybe server will be interlude with custom things? :)
  12. u should be warned coz u dont follow rules, flooding, double posting, and u cant see this share coz u need 100 posts.
  13. +11 to +25 this is not very nice, but others are nice!
  14. This was shared by me, dunno who created it, but i took it from HGl2 server. its look like this: BUT ITS IN ORANGE COLOR! i didnt had a screenshot, srry! DOWNLOAD: http://rapidshare.de/files/40333358/Pheonixbow.rar.html
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