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  1. L2Hayze.net is online, new items, new custom features and smoother gameplay. Check it out. Launched 8/18/2018. A server for those only who want to experience an achievement based gameplay. Gaming is hard, botting/dualboxing is impossible. Try it out.
  2. I am opening it for those who enjoy hard farming. I am not opening it for those who don't like it. Simple.
  3. Hayze reboot, is being launched Feb 26th. Some important things you need to know. Farming is difficult. (If you are interested in a quick game then this isn't for you.) All items/skills/custom equipment can be obtained ingame. The textures for titanium and legacy titanium have been reverted back to the originals. Dread is tradable. All clan halls are auctionable. There is no free gear, no beginner coins. Everyone starts from s grade. If you are not interested in playing, please don't play. Only those who are interested should join. Learn more by visiting the forums at L2Hayze.net.
  4. Nice idea, I hope it works, I really do. But the community you are dealing with isn't ready for anything more than a 2-3 week cycle of game play. And I think everyone knows what I mean by that. As for those who personally are jealous either because they feel robbed or couldn't manage to do anything comparable even with the same free starting source. Well all I can say is, no one forces you to play, no one forces you to spend money on anything. You have free will and a brain, so use it. The reality is that while forums like maxcheaters have a role in the online game environment, you don't find true players on maxcheaters. Everyone here is a "developer" who has owned at least 10 servers or been a GM on 20 or more and they will always know more about your server than you ever will. *Key note : I don't claim to be the greatest/best/pro developer, and by far I know I am not.* On topic my comments to you xxdem, I've seen how you work, the snippets you share from time to time are well-done at least from an organizational and structure viewpoint (I never used them or tested them or whatever so I can't comment on more than just seeing the layout of the code), I think you have the capability to do a lot of things. That being said, take a look at what games currently dominate. League of Legends works for a reason, gamers are not as they were 2-5-8 years ago, people could play games 24/7 for a full 3 months before getting a new item and there was a sense of satisfaction with that. Nowadays "gamers" play for more than 6 hours and already you hear "omgahd diz gamz is too hard, make it eazier or me and my clan of 45 quits". In League of Legends the new generation of "gamers" are supported, login -> take 5 of your coffee buddies -> start with nothing -> play 30-45min match -> end with nothing -> repeat. They will never get to the point of saying "how come XXX player who has played 24/7 for 3 months longer than I have, has more gear than I do?" because after every match everyone starts from 0 again. This is why you see more and more l2 servers starting and closing in the same month, wiping and then repeat. Here is my idea League of Legends has nothing on Helios graphics and design if you ask me, it would be fairly extremely easy to re-create the minions, towers and nexus that are in a typical LOL match, and simply apply that aspect to Lineage. I won't say more about it, but I've already done some preliminary work and testing myself, and have had great results. Along with this idea comes one very important caveat. Pay 2 Play, it eliminates the individuals who think playing is a "right" when instead it's a "privilege" thus eliminating the attitude of players thinking they own the administration team and simply don't need to communicate in any kind of respectful way. I don't know what stages you are in of your new project, but I know that if you feel close to launch you probably want to go forward and see if your project will work. I wish you good luck and remember to have fun and enjoy your own creation. My 2 cents.
  5. Kemosa Gracia for those who are still playing the Gracia chronicle. http://kemosa.net/forumsgracia/

  6. The Kemosa Infinite Odyssey project has been shut down. If you are interested in playing on Gracia with some of the same features, feel free to check out the Kemosa Gracia project.
  7. The L2Hayze project has been upgraded and improved. Visit the Forums to learn more. Officially it will open December 1.
  8. Http://Kemosa.net where you can play on a server with the Kemosa Concept either on Gracia or Infinite Odyssey.
  9. For anyone having any issues regarding getting disconnected, be sure to launch the game through the updater. Meaning run the updater each time to launch the game.
  10. The economy is fine, if you are looking for a server in which the first day you are going to buy all the armors and weapons then that's up to you to find. On Kemosa there is a strong balance between events and the event rewards as well as the regular farm. Silvers and BE are the common currency and can be exchanged into almost anything. If you look around you will see that you don't need luck to be successful on Kemosa.
  11. Farming is actually quite easy, people are soloing mobs in the second zone without any problems. Just pick and choose a monster that has a weakness vs your class.
  12. Server is now live, be sure to check forums for information and ask your questions there.
  13. Official time pushed back 4 hours to better fit everyone's timezone. Check forums for more information.
  14. Kemosa officially launching November 16th. Visit http://kemosa.net to learn more.

  15. Official launch times have been posted, be sure to check out common beginner questions in the kemosa forums so you don't have any surprises. Greece | 14:10 Russia | 15:10 Vietnam | 19:10 China | 20:10 Korea | 21:10 Brazil | 10:10 USA | 7:10
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