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About dropman

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  1. y kalos server fenete mpika ligo sto beta exei poli bugg ala ta ftiaxnoun arketa grigora.. mas viasan me ta capital controls oute i paypal de litourgi pleon gia kapio logo pou na mpis official :((((((((
  2. when will it openn timer is down and i cannot download the patch :(
  3. there will be 1 day beta or smth ? i want to get a peak of the server : 3 to make my friend play
  4. so sad :(((((((( i wanted to play so damn hard ... all low rates are hi5 crap those days . and interludes are empty. damn it .
  5. this is a server that deserve a check from everyone. ! holidays is coming too ! its now or neverr :D
  6. guys i have another problem , everything is working fine except from mana potions... it doesnt use mana potions any suggestions?
  7. it was my dream from c5 :'( for them to open a c1-c3 server : ) it coming truee yay
  8. ohoho this seems promising cannot wait !! :>
  9. this server is very good i play there a few buggs but gms/admins are active and fix them :) and the community growing every day i hope to see you in game everyone ;) come and play
  10. hmm it seems good , post the site if you have one :)
  11. sws/bd are valuable ? then do not alow players to have 10 + boxes on theyr pc O.o i rememper old thegame 1 pc with bd/sws/pp/wc/cat :) 50 players online 400 box O.o make it max dualbox or triple box and then bd and sws will be valuable :)
  12. yea if they didn't made this new project of l2 god they could made an mega update for aion and add more places ++ :o l2 don't have more than 100 quests :D . you bore easy !
  13. haha ti legane gia to freya kai epilogue oli ? po sapia 8a ginoun xazomares ola moufes . oli pezoun omos .. e to goddes of destruction pistevo pos 8axi tous fun tou l2 p de to stamatane oti kai na lene + polousss ma polous pitsirikades p 8a tous porosoun ta graphic. apo dikiamou apopsi omos ! to gameplay mou fanikie poli oreo kai pistevo i idea pos olaa katastrefonte kai alazoun mm poli kalo story ;) kai mi sas fenete parakseno pou alaksan 4 clinte toso grigora se 1 xrono peripou . to kanan gia na proxorisoun to story kai na gini afto to uptate :)
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