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Everything posted by RicSic

  1. :) i REALLY need to give torrents another chance.
  2. Street Fighter 3 Zero. 48 Wins in a row... next week 56 Wins... Noone beated me, 20 guys, just gave up. :) But this has more then 10 Years...
  3. L2, wow sux with the 3D motions.
  4. Emule, since EDonkey
  5. dance music
  6. Dosent worked here... yeah it yould be great for Mana potions :)
  7. Not even a Exploit... Just a tip. R U sure you can beat every fighter with that ? lol.
  8. Its simple... u need to use what u prefer... If you try to spent your time with a classe that you dosent like, you're move to the other sooner or later.
  9. Dude PP its the BEST class for OG... I have been hero on my server for almost a year, with Overlord, SoulTaker, Warlock, and now prophet.. Its the best class. I owned everyone with PP. Join the game with your best Robe and a Crystal staff Mana Up. Buff yourself. Choose your best buffs against your enemy. After buffing put your best set... Light or heavy, some light sets let you run faster. You could use a Bow or a Dual. set Light or Heavy.
  10. The hosts workaround its only for CT1, not IL.
  11. Love that too. a group of four guys with missions... Weapons and Body upgrades.
  12. Great guide, very usefull.
  13. You forgot to explain... 1 - If someone use that HOSTS, it will be redirect to just ONE server only... Not even the Retail One. 2 - Noone could just edit L2.INI, it would need to PATCH the system files before, Decryp, EDIT INI, Encrypt again.
  14. thanks, but at least you should say that you find it somewherelse.
  15. P2P Emule
  16. I forgot... Gouls and Ghosts, its great too.. Arcade.
  17. Hero, Atari Elite, MSX ^^ Black Tiger, Arcade
  18. Yeah.. the easiest way to turn your 1.500 computer into a calculaor.. use Windows Vista.
  19. DBZ was perfect... The others DB were made for kids...
  20. You dont need the IP to the DB for SQL injection. You could inject it thru any PHP/ASP form from their page.
  21. This is only for L2J servers, with this option enabled. I didnt understand, why would the price change for 0 adenas.
  22. This is soo noob, soo lame.
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