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Everything posted by LordPanic

  1. Text LordPanic Theme Whitebeard from one piece sub text no Color : Earth colors if u can... if u can't try green
  2. Server L2 Dubai Site : http://www.l2dubai.com/ On ppl everyday 900-1000 Chars Main Class Moonlight Sentinel (full certi and +30 skills) No in the same acc Main Class Necro (Full certi and +30 skills) No in the same acc Main Class Gladi (Full certi some +30 skills) No in the same acc Buffer With + Skills for More Duration No in the same acc Including Mouse (To change the Password) Armors/Weapons/Augms Freya Heavy set full atri lvl 7 +16 Freya Light set full atri lvl 7 +20 Freya Robe set full atri lvl 7 +16 Freya bow +16 + Passive Duel.Might lvl 7 atri Freya bow +16 + passive Evasion lvl 7 atri Freya Duals +16 lvl 7 atri Freya Sacredium + 16 + passive M.Atk On Mage Full Boss jewls +16 and a lot +0 on wh (including 2 baylor earrings) Elegia earring +16 Beleth Ring +16 Mithril belt +16 Tattoo +16 Other 79 Giant's Codex Mastery all kind of crystals (attributes) 60 LS top grade lvl 84 600 gb's 14 BEAS Gift Items on L2Mafia (new) Dms+30 Dyn Bow+30 40 euro's via paypal or paysafe (new) Contact : Send me pm here.
  3. dineis kai lathos link. pane edw : http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Thomson-Alcatel/TG585v7/default.htm
  4. Loipon, dokimase na paris apo alo patch kane tis rithmisis p thelis se ekeino metonomaseto se weaponrpg1.dat sirto kai sbise auto p exeis twra (dld to palio sou) kai metonomase ksana se weaponrpg.dat (auto p esires)
  5. To the tsak,to the tsak ala suntoma tha to deis kai auto mn anipomonis kai einai sxedon sigouro oti tha simbi kai pistepse me to teleutaio sinaisthima p tha niwsw einai i "ekpliksi" prwtes thesis pairnoun to misos,orgi,apexthia,anikanotita (pros tous upaiuthinous) kai polla akoma kai teleutaio einai i eklpliksi egw toulaxiston gia esas den kserw.
  6. U should put name chameleon duals btw u start the shares again keep going.
  7. exoun ginei apeira topics gi'auto to thema kalo einai na kaneis search prin dimiourgisis ena topic eleos dld. 1.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54283.0 2.http://portforward.com/ briskis to montelo tou modem s pas sta ports bazis lineage 2 3306, 7777, 2106 kai tin ip sou (p.x 192.168.1...)
  8. sry server closed so... some1 pls lock and remove this topic ty.
  9. First of all it's not necessary to write like that we can see it and with normal size.There are so many topics with packs just search before posting sth.
  10. me alo browser mpaineis i ola kolisan? dokimase to unistall tou browser kai install ksana.
  11. Psit paradeksou to apo tote p efuges apo GMOD exeis paralirisi :) episis rixneis mpixtes kai theleis na katebasis kapious epeidi polu apla lene tin gnwmi tous kai erxonte se antithesi me sena auto dixnei adunamo xaraktira kai komplex eno to paizis xalaros,coolatos kai den simazeuete. Sou teliwsan ta xapia katathlipsis kai to girises stin thriskia ? lege na kseroume. Btw tha simfoniso me ton `Vaxil sto quote p ekane gia tous logous p dimiourgithike to topic kai twra mas les ala.
  12. Kleiste to topic apo tin arxi fanike anousio o alos perimeni apo ena site na tou lithoun oi apwries p sxetizonte me ta kena pou exei stin pisti tou kai perimeni na lithoun apo alous den to lew dialogo auto pou kanei kai etc to leei gt kanei mpam oti exei xathi. Den uparxei eirwneia file mou Coyote antithetos milaw me oli m tin kali diathesi skopima den apantisa stis erwtisis kai btw den m katalabenis katholou ala lew ala katalabenis.
  13. wxx eleos den exeis katalabi "Xristo" stin kurioleksia.
  14. Eleos fail den exeis katalabi kan tin idia sou tin thriskia eisai apoluta xamenos den exeis pari prefa orismena pragmata an ikseres ti paizi tetoies erwtisis den tha ekanes srsly empedose kala ti paizi me tin thriskia sou. Arnoume na s dwsw peretero leptomeries psaksto to thema kai tha katalabis to afino na to eksixniasis monos s mn perimenis alous na sto lusoun. Episis an den s edine o theos tin krisi den tha eixes autes tis skepsis skopima tis edwse gia na niwthoume,aisthanomaste emeis apo monoi mas. Pio to noima na mas kanei kati san robot na eimaste programmatismeni gia kati kai otidipote alo den einai mesa stis entoles na mn to ekteloume ? exoume tin eleutheria na kanoume oti theloume alios tha niwthame oti eimaste angkasmenoi na kanoume kati kai oxi me tin thelisi mas ala auto exei kai epiptwsis dioti o anthrwpos den to ekmetaleuete swsta kai ta kanei mantara opws panta. Btw gia ta paidakia p klaigonte gia tin ekklisia p einai dieftharmeni kai gi'auto den pane einai mia dikaiologia komplex gia na dikaiologisoun tin apousia tous apo autin eksalou o kathe anthrwpos koubalaei mia ekklisia mesa tou den einai anagkaio na pigainis stin ekklisia gia na epikoinwnisis me ton theo... (Pros Coyote)
  15. To site p lew den to brika ala brika http://www.tzatziki-fansubs.com/index.php psakse ekei mesa logika kati tha breis... to alo einai to onepiece.gr ala einai down opws eipe o disaster...
  16. eixa patixi ena site me elliniko team p bgazi subs gia one piece prin 1 xrono kai eixan ftasi sto 60 epeisodio me gr subs twra logika tha exoun bgali ki'ala an to brw tha se enimerosw.
  17. Server Site http://l2solar.sytes.net/ Server is new and Dedicated with 100 ppl on everyday Char With noblesse Main class Duelist "Mid" Rate x75 B grade only in shop A-S only from Craft No Enchant Scrolls at shop only with AA from merchant of mammon (from D - B no Ewa,Eas,Ews) No customs Safe+3 max +16 Chance 68% Let's Start: Tallum Heavy Set +3 Mj Heavy Set +3 Duals B +16 (better p.atk than Dual S) Am + acu +1 x2 mj set jewls Duals S +2* Ring of Baium* Also i give my crafter,spoiler Updated* Only for 30 Euro PayPal or PaySafe Contact : Send me pm.
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