6/12/23 - Update new
Performance Improvements: Bots now run smoothly without using a lot of resources.
Settings - Party Tab: Now has the option to change the party master so bots can assist and follow other party members if chosen.
Settings - Solo Tab: Added the option to avoid ks-ing mobs.
Script - Spoiler implementation: Now you can use the spoiler as a farmer or assister.
Script - Recharger implementation: Now you can use rechargers without any issues.
Skill Animations: Smoother attacks and casting skills. Skills now work as they are supposed to without any delays.
Buffs - You can select buffs from your current players schemes.
Three main scrips: Farmer , Assister, Healer
Script Farmer: Require Fighter,Mage classes
Supported classes for this script are:
Ghost Sentinel, Ghost Hunter,Spectral Dancer,Storm Screamer,Fortune Seeker,Moonlight Sentinel,Wind Rider,Sword Muse,Eva's Templar,Adventurer,Sagittarius,Hell Knight,Phoenix Knight,Archmage
Script Assister: Require Fighter,Mage classes
Supported classes for this script are:
Ghost Sentinel, Ghost Hunter,Spectral Dancer,Storm Screamer,Fortune Seeker,Moonlight Sentinel,Wind Rider,Sword Muse,Eva's Templar,Adventurer,Sagittarius,Hell Knight,Phoenix Knight,Archmage
Script Healer: Require Healer classses
Supported classes for this script are:
Shillen Saint,Eva's Saint,Hierophant,Cardinal,Doomcryer
Overall, the mod is officially finished, at least the PvE part of it. I will keep working on the UI. I'm not sure if I will start working on the PvP functions, but for now, I don't have any plans to do so.
Some Videos: