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About Retrium

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  1. Wtb pvlv char from 1 to 52 on mmoway clawsic x3
  2. WTS CH in giran on Giran Server NC classic with CLan with 3k crp
  3. trusted
  4. How much adena do you have ? pp 58 for 100 euro is still available?
  5. I sell onlfy for money. No items or adena
  6. ok i delete old and send you pm
  7. new price adena !!
  8. Wts also 100 kk adena 2 euro
  9. Adena 150 kk -1,7 euro for 1 kk If have question pm on forum BD male 59 lvl 59% +12 str - 15 con Bracelet of duty 1 ; 153 daily coin 3 High scroll3 medium scroll55 normal scroll6 anghel cats600 attendence coinsaber saber PP 57 lvl 74 % +12 WIT - 15 men Bracelet of duty 2 438 daily coin 3 High scroll 3 medium scroll 45 normal scroll 8 anghel cats 600 attendence coin SR 69 lvl 48% +12 str - 15 con 600 attendence coin Bracelet of duty 2 daily coin 319 Toi of insolence amulet lvl 3 Hats : Top hut dappetr hut adventurer hut Warsmith 42 87 normal scroll 2 medium scroll Recs: BSSC SSD BSSD some mats -------------------------- Emi +8 180 euro 90 kk sold Bw leather +6 60 euro 30 kk ----------------------------------------------------------- Adena 150 kk -1,7 euro for 1 kk If have question pm on forum
  10. Only adena
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